When Harris was being berated by Batfleck about Islam, who was claiming that Harris and Maher were painting Islam with a broad brush and looking at the whole faith as a monolith, Harris illustrated his point with concentric circles.
Yeah, there's a tiny minority of people who are willing to strap bombs to themselves and blow up buildings. Outside of that group, there's a slightly larger group of people who actively recruit the people who will blow themselves up. Outside of that, there's a larger circle of people who broadly preach that it's righteous to blow yourself up to kill infidels. There's a larger circle beyond that, which won't advocate for blowing yourself up; but, they'll use democracy against itself to create a theocracy in their own way. Beyond that, there's a larger circle of people who will claim to condemn political murder; but, they'll still apologize for the murderers for political expediency.
Since Affleck was shouting like a moron, Harris didn't have the chance to fully unpack that; but, the point was that the small number of imminently dangerous people are being pushed forward by an ideology held by large swaths of people who wouldn't blow themselves up.
It's a common thread that woke people won't flatly condemn the sterilization of kids.
We can look at this the same way.
How many people will actually have their young girl's clitoris cut off? Shockingly, too many world-wide. Still, we're talking about relatively low numbers. How many people will apologize for it, or lie to keep the practice going? Well, Reza Aslan was wrong to lie about FGM and he made millions doing it until he made the mistake of actually engaging in cannibalism. By the way, I think that eating flesh is the most defensible thing that Reza Aslan has done in the last twenty years.
Okay, how many people will sterilize their own children? I don't have numbers. One is too many. There are op-eds celebrating supposed "trans kids" going through menopause at fifteen. Rachel Levine is one of the highest ranking medical professionals in the US government, and Levine wouldn't give an answer about bottom surgery on children -- Levine still hasn't years later.
Doctors have been on camera telling the lie that puberty blockers and hormones are all entirely reversible.
This is a circle that goes to the top of the current government of these united States.
How many people are willing to sterilize their children? Not that many; but, too many -- far too many.
How many people are passionately supporting that? I don't know, because most people won't say the quiet part loud; but, I'm guessing that it's several million too many.