Blockchain or Hashgraph? Application potentials and limitations.

in hash •  7 years ago 

I am very new to the crypto market, or blockchain technology. As most did, I started the journey with BitCoin and has since been fascinated about the potential for its application. Steemit is a classical example of the application for digital currency. and thats why I am also invested in KIN/KIK (fan groups as a long term investment and/or support their projects.

There is a newer competition to blockchain, hashgraph. It presents an alternative DLT to the decentralized concept. Some has gone as far as saying its the end of BTC or blockchain, but I say there is plenty of space for all.

I am intersted to hear from a far more larger audience on ongoing projects, other than finance and security/privacy. Please share if you have implemented these technologies in Health, Public Health or other areas like charitable works. How do you justify transparency in a secret society?

Additional reads:

As a public health expert myself, I attest to the need for change. Current case custody processes for long term or life long infection or the simple data sharing processes are extremely outdated.

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I have never heard of hashgraph. Thanks. I will check it out.

As far as transparency in a secret society ... I agree it is hard to justify sometimes. I like the fact that everything is public on the blockchain but that can also be bad for certain things. I would like if there was a way to keep things secret but I guess that goes against the technology. What ends up happening is people use third party sites to interact in secret to reduce exposure on the the blockchain. I believe this is how things will move forward in the future, at least for the time being.

Agree 100%.