The hash dilema

in hashbikers •  3 years ago 

I'm sure most people have heard of the Hash House Harriers - the running club that was started in the 1930's amongst British colonial officers and expats living in what was then the British colony named the Federated Malay States (now Malaysia). Here in Thailand, particularly Phuket it has a very large following due I guess to the large expat community.

In the the late 80's in Singapore there was an offshoot born from the HHH that was the Hash House Bikers - essentially the same thing but on a bicycle, and again here in Phuket it is quite popular and is mostly mountain bikers getting around on the trails we have here in the hills and farming areas.

So here's the dilemma I face - should I join this mountain biking club or should I ride these trails by myself or with one or two close friends. Part of the attraction for me of getting up in the hills and exploring trails is the peace and quiet of the hills, far away from traffic, tourists, bars etc etc. The only people you meet up there are gentle farmer folk going about their business or the occasional walker. Here's some pics of classic Phuket trails that I ride.....




These trails are just magical. Total peace and quiet. One day I noticed a bunch of coloured paper had been left all over the trail I was riding - basically litter in my opinion. Then there was also paper stapled to some of the trees along the way particularly at forks or trail junctions. This was my introduction to The Hash House Bikers - soon after I met them resting on the trail up ahead - about ten MAMILS - a MAMIL is a term that is used to coin Middle Aged Men In Lycra. There were all dressed in the ridiculous outfits that for some reason people seem to think is standard uniform for cycling - nut hugging lycra pants, an equally tight fitting lycra shirt with silly little pockets sewn in to the back, clippity cloppy shoes and the obligatory wrappy roundy sunglasses made especially for cycling. There they were at the end of the litter trail, which I learned is how these hashers mark the trails - with apparently biodegradable paper. Still litter in my opinion.

Naturally I stopped for a chat and everyone was nice. We had a chat and talked about biking - they were frothing (excited) to meet a lone biker and implored me to join their Hash club so I would have lots of new friends to bike with. They thrust their contact details on me and made sure I knew how to get hold of them on facebook and where the next ride was the following week.

I made my goodbyes and continued up the trail - eager to return to the peace and quite that I love in the mountains of Phuket. The trail of litter continued - apparently one of their team rides ahead to mark it out. It pissed me off. I took a fork that I knew of and changed my planned route to get away from these dudes.

After each ride of course I grab a beer (or 3) - normally at any one of the little momma pappa shops that are at the bottom of the trails. I sat alone drinking a cold Leo (crappy Thai beer). Now was when I wished I had some company and thought it would be nice to have a gang of friends to hang out with after riding. I don't have a big social life and mostly enjoy my own company - maybe I should join this MAMIL club and make more friends and do some of their rides?? Perhaps sport should be a social thing and joining a club made perfect sense.

I rode home alone in the fading light, tired, dirty, drenched in sweat from the ride. I felt happy and satisfied but still had this nagging doubt. If I didn't make an effort to meet these other riders would I be missing out on meeting potentially lots of cool people - maybe they knew tonnes of trails that I didn't, perhaps I would have new friends to hang with on weekends.

Im still thinking about it but I honestly think I prefer riding solo or with one or two solid dudes that I call friends and don't wear stupid lycra outfits. Any one have some thoughts on this? Im Jobiker, peace.


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