HashFlare Payout December 19, 2017

in hashflare •  7 years ago 


I'm back with
I just want to
give some updates on what's been going
on with hash Flairas far as the
payments andeverything and go over what
my latest daily payout has been as well
before I getinto thatthanks to all the
newsubscribers thinks everybody's been
commenting liking the videos I really do
appreciate your supportthank you guys
so much so let's go aheadand first jump
into what the daily payoutwas so over
here on the right you cansee that
yesterday's payment point 0 2 6 2 now
after the fee however that comes out to
arounda point 0 2to 9 and that is
equivalent to four hundred and fifteen
dollarsUSD currently so that was my
daily payout now that is after a twenty
twoTara hash upgrade that I did
yesterdaywith my account balance since
we haven't be able to do withraw
withdrawals my daily payouts have just
been adding up my account balance so I
decided togo ahead and just do another
upgrade for the time being throwing a
few more Tara hashesto fight back on
the difficulty change which it appears
that the difficulty did go up a little
bit over the last couple of days which
affected thedaily payouts as well so
let's go aheadand take a look at an
email that they sent out and I think
this came yesterday if I remember yeah
yesterday they said the crypto market
and hash flow user base are growing
exponentiallyincreasing the load on the
BTC Networkpayment processing centers
and ourtechnical support departmentwe
are testing a backup wallet for BTC with
drawersbut due to high amount of
waiting transactions the launch is
currently postponed untilthe 20th your
interest towards mining is so high that
we received thousands of requestsevery
day we're putting all our effort into
helpingyou quicker and taking the
current load into account we can assure
you that processing ofrequests will
take no more than 14 daysnote that we
mean that we neverleave a single
question unansweredwhich is why we ask
you to be patient and create onlyone
request per issue and they have a little
Q&A sectionarea from their knowledge
base in
like onthese to get some answers to
these basic questions here now I did
have some support tickets open I had one
open for 12 daysand they they finally
replied to it yesterdayso that'sgreat
news that they are handling their
support tickets I assure you they areI
don't get any special treatmentor
I waited12 days to get a simple
question answered that wasn'tanswered
in theirknowledge base so hold out if
you'vegot some support questions
submittedalready don't submit multiple
requests because you're just gonna delay
future questionsjust ask once they will
answer it itjust might take a whileso
mine was before this 14 day mark now
currently ontheir site theytalked
about the new withdrawalrequests are
disabledand it still says that they're
gonnado that on the 20th which is
tomorrow at some point remember that it
might not happen until theend of the
day so don'tbe expecting thatas soon
as it it becomes the 20th but that's all
of a sudden gonnabe turned back on that
may notbe the case and this EMC payment
method is disabled because theGateway
will you stopped its operationsI guess
that was some other form ofpayment that
you were able touse that that's not
like a credit cardI guess or a Bitcoin
obviously so not sure what that's about
but that'sall I got for youguys today
just wanted to give you a quick update
onwhat's going on and everything let me
know your questions commentsdown in the
comment section below I appreciate you
guys so much and all yoursupport I hope
everybody has a blessed day thanks alot

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