Your Vote is a HATE CRIME (Brendan O'Neill)

in hate-speech •  7 years ago 

He is spot on! It's funny how the Left seems to arrogantly believe that they have almighty jurisdiction over the definition of what hate is. How about my definition that 'they' are hateful in protesting 'against' free speech. Could they envision a World in which people like me define our version of hate and then punish them for performing it? It takes freegin huge gull to expect that you are the only one who gets to define what's inappropriate behavior/speech. Especially when you live in the freesest Nation on Earth and it takes zero balls in this situation to 'stand up to power'. I'd like to see these protesters take their protests to the Middle East and protest the hatred spewed

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I get the impression the definition of hate speech by liberals these days is pretty well saying anything that isn't liberal.

It's easier to hate; than it is to love !

Very true.