Hawking's theoretical theory
After John Einstein, the inventor of the Law of Relativity, the world's best physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking (born: London, 1942), who was the inventor of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton, was awarded the rare honor of 'Lucasian Professor' from the University of Cambridge, he had recently met some of the topics related to Metaphysics or Theology, outside of his research material, Commented, which has blurred his high honor. In an interview with Britain's influential daily Guardian, he said about 'the afterlife', he said, "There is no life after death. Heaven and hell are the imaginary fantasies of human beings'. Earlier, he also made a very insulting remark in his book 'The Grand Design' about 'the existence of God and the discipline of the universe'. There he claims that there is no need for God to understand the existence of the universe. He describes the Creator as 'human imaginary metaphor'. These comments of Hawking are based on imagination only, but since they are scientist, so their opinions are important to many people. Especially weak people, hypocritical believers and unbelievers submit these comments to them as a great document.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, many scientists temporarily became disturbed by the invention of industrial revolution and science-oriented invention, and they all considered the world's stuff as "the nature of nature". But now most of them have returned to the sensation, and a large number of scientists, including White Head, Arthur Edington, James Jeans (1877-1946), have reached a conclusion that Nature is alive is a living entity. Not only living, but in the words of W. N. N. Sullivan, the essence of the scientists' statement is extract. 'The ultimate nature of the universe is mental'. That is, the solar system is not created automatically, or it is not a big bang or a big explosion crop, or a blind-dumb-deaf nature, but rather the source of the great plan of a Wise Creator. And he is 'Allah'
Who is the creator of the universe and Lord. Everything under its predetermined plan (Jonah 10/31). Yes, if Big Bang is there, then it is heard that the people of the world have heard many times before the illiterate Prophet Muhammad (sm). Allah said in the Holy Qur'an, 'Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were previously gathered? Then we separated them. Then We created the breathless thing that is water. Will they not then believe? (Ambia 21/30). Then why is the afterlife? Why human beings will be created again? Allah said ... ... He created the first time. Then He will repeat it. So that he can reward the believers and the righteous. And those who disbelieve will be given a boiling drink and a painful punishment for their disbelief '(Jonah 10/4). Allah says that He is the person who created the beginning of creation. Then you will recreate it. And this is easier for him. To Him belongs the highest rank in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Great, the Wise. "(Romans 30/27). Scientists have no knowledge of the invisible world. So their knowledge is imperfect. That is why scientists Einstein (1879-1955) said, Religion without science is blind and Science without religion is lame. 'Religion apart from science is blind and science is crippled without religion'.
Like today's Hawking, many of the Mushrik leaders of Makkah were of the opinion that people have been created automatically and they will be destroyed by natural law. As Allah says, 'They say that the life of this world is our life. Here we die and live. And none of us destroys, except for eternity. In fact, they have no knowledge about this. They only think that '(Zachiah 45/24). The Arab leaders said, 'When we die and become dust (then we will be resurrected), that return is far off' (Qaf 50/3). They were quarreling over this. Allah said, 'What are they questioning about? With great news? 'About which they are in disagreement'. 'Never (their idea is unreal). 'They will soon come to know'. 'Again, they will know soon' (Naba 78 / 1-5). What is that great news? That's news of rebirth. Because the greatest good news in human life is born. And the worst news is to die or disappear. Nobody wants to die in this world. But for the people of the heavens and the earth, everything has been created, that person will die within a hundred years. But in his life many things are not satisfied. So to migrate to this world from a
temporary and incomplete world, in a permanent and full-fledged world. Where the wrongdoer will be punished with his best and the winner will be satisfied with his reward. And that world is parasite. After the death of which will be the beginning and the Day of Resurrection, whose fullness. Allah said, "Fear ye of the day when ye shall be brought back to Allah. Then every soul will be recompensed what he earned (in this world). And they will not be oppressed at all '(Baqarah 2/281). And this is the last revealed revelation of Allah to the worlds. So, if there was no faith in the Hereafter, then the earth would have been unable to live in the vulnerable and weakened havens. To remove the suspicions of the unbelievers, Allah has brought his Prophet with his Majesty in Paradise and Hell. Still, the Hawking's eyes will not open. O Scientist Stephen! No shock it