Coffee Break News Scan for 5th October 2017steemCreated with Sketch.

in hawt-coffee •  7 years ago 

Managed to put together another piece of the course today and also potentially onboard a new client this morning, coffee number two was just boiling and I was pulled into reading the news so I thought I would share some comments on this because the last few days I’ve felt completely disconnected from other humans. Happens when you don’t see any regularly — not that I don’t like my peace and quiet because I do, but you can feel like your just feeding the digital hive mind and a bank of robot, zombie army AI thinking sentient machines ready to activate at the drop of a data packet.

streeming__hawt__coffee | 5th october | by a human, not an AI — if you like this format I might share with you some news, things I find and my project updates in this format. I might use another tool to do it however. Hmmm, I need to get Wistia whitelisted to be used on steemit. How do I do that?

So I thought fuck it. I can record a little vlog and connect between the down time parts of the reflection and admin parts which will allow me to keep up the momentum, give you an update about news, my news, show you some stuff, and just generally engage my fellow humans with a analog human face instead of some force fed AI senseless frame of reference news stream, I might do these regularly or I may never do it again, that’s the wonderful thing about blogging, experimentation. It’s like a big virtual canvas to play with, roll on the days when steemit and the condenser interface can have more platforms whitelisted, oh my that would be so much fun, and communities are coming soon as well. Super into finding out about those!

Any particular bits of these bits of news today you wanna discuss? Drop them in the comments below and we can get into it! :)

yaaaaa, ya done.

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