How I Spent Eight Years

in hcr •  6 years ago 

2018 wasn't just a bad year. 2018 caps off a really bad decade.

I loved the first days of the Tea Party. Back in 2008 and 2009 a large number of people woke up to the fact that both the radical left and conservative right were leading our nation in a terrible direction. Both Bush and Obama supported the bailout. Both Bush and Obama supported big insurance and relative degrees of socialization.

In the very first days of the Tea Party there was an authentic discussion about liberty.

People began talking about serious monetary reform (the seeds of crypto). There was a very small number of people who braved a discussion of free market health care reform.

Unfortunately, the Tea Party was quickly taken over by a group of people called "Conservatives."

Conservatives formed into little bands of ideological enforcers. These thugs systematically kicked anyone who engaged in serious conversations about health care reform.

The Conservatives put forward Mitt Romney as their 2012 candidate. (Obamacare was based on the health care plan that Romney implemented in Massachusetts.) In 2016, conservatives nominated Trump who used the slogan "Repeal and Replace" when he did not have a replacement for ObamaCare in hand.

Since Trump failed to engage in a proper discussion of health care reform, we will most likely see a full socialization of health care after the 2020 election.

There really isn't an option. If Republicans refuse to discuss free market health care reform; then socialism is the only path forward.

it is really sad. If ever we had a national debate about health care; I suspect people would realize that both the radical left and conservative right are leading this nation on a path of ruin.

Lets get back to 2008. I consider health care to be the most important issue of our generation. I had worked for a state run health care plan. (Socialism is insurance run at the state level). My job was to write computer programs to gather and analyze health care claims. I had to learn the ins and outs of actuarial analysis.

Most of the data I had was related to workers' comp and general liability. I also got my hands on some general health data.

Essentially, I wrote computer programs that gathered health care data and calculated health care premiums.

I came to see the insurance industry industry as inherently corrupt. With good solid mathematics I can prove that insurance is a bad way to fund health care.

I developed an actuarially sound alternative to insurance ... which I don't have time to go into.

So, my goal from 2008 was to find a group of people brave enough to discuss free market health care reform.

I wanted to find a group of people brave enough to discuss HCR with the hopes that the discussion could be taken up on a national scale.

So, I began contacting people. I had limited funds.

Conservatives use free market rhetoric; so, I began contacting every Conservative and Tea Party group I could find within a 750 mile radius of Salt Lake City. This includes Denver, Phoenix, Boise and Las Vegas.

What would happen is Conservatives were polite in the first attempts at contact. But they would immediately slam me with a solid wall of hatred and derision the second that they realized that I was challenging their precious insurance industry.

Yes, I live in Salt Lake. No, I am not a member of the LDS Church.

Anyway, I spent eight years contacting groups that claimed to support liberty. Every single group hit me with a solid wall of hatred.

After enduring eight years of solid unrelenting hatred from conservative groups. I decided to retreat and reassess my position.

I spent eight years with the goal of simply having an hour long discussion about health care. i spent eight years with the goal of entering a room where people discussed health care reform.

In eight years, I failed to find a single person brave enough to discuss the topic.

There is something terribly wrong with our society.

So, I decided to research the history of conservatism. Conservatism is as ugly an ideology as progressivism. Both ideologies are simply techniques used to skirt substantive debate while the ruling class steals the financial reserves of the people.

Last year at this time I decided to create a Youtube channel. I thought I would start the channel with research show that both left and right come from the same source. Both the left and right use the same techniques to squash debates.

Conservatives whine about shadow banning, but conservatives engage in every negative trick that progressives use.

I don't have a video camera and was worried about my ability to get 1000 subscribers.

If I can't find one person willing to talk to me in person; how am I to find a thousand subcribers.

The people on SteemIt were discussing monetary reform. So I made the mistake of joining this platform instead.

I studied blockchain development. Personally, I fear that the blockchain is a little too prone to manipulation to provide the solid basis that people need for health care.

So, rather than discussing HCR, I decided to lead in with the really disturbing things that I learned about the history of the conservative movement. BTW, do you know who created the conservative movement? Who were the first conservatives?

Ooops, I just realize that I am supposed to have a picture for all of my posts on SteemIt.

I really hate having to come up with an image for each post. anyway, 2018 was another bad year in a bad decade.

I was thinking about how much fun it would be to sit in a room and discuss how the people could up and destroy the insurance insurance.

Wouldn't that be fun?

Unfortunately, I have to find a better direction for 2019. I keep thinking back to the Tea Party and how much fun it would have been to create an alternative to the insurance industry.

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