Human Development Index

in hdi •  6 years ago 

Human Development Index
Framework :
 Introduction
 Concept of human development
 Differrence between economic growth and economic development
 Concept of HDI
 Origin of HDI
 Dimensions of HDI
 Calculation of HDI
 Limitations of HDI
 India’s rank in HDR 2010
 Highlights of HDR 2010
 Future projections of HDI
 “Mahatma Gandhi once commented
that “the difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems.”
 “Wealth is evidently not the good we are seeking; for it is merely useful and for the sake of something else.” –Aristotle

“something else”
 opportunity to realize their potential as human beings about having real choices
 Realization of human potential.
 Nobel laureate Amartya Sen calls the capabilities and functionings approach. Not only is it important to achieve more “functionings,” but it is essential for people to have the “capabilities” or the freedom to achieve these.
 The emphasis on growth was based on the assumption that its benefits will automatically“trickle down” to poor and marginalized people.
 The global HDR has created and developed four main composite human development indices to assess measurable dimensions of human development.

  1. Human development index (HDI),
  2. The human poverty index (HPI),
  3. The gender-related development index (GDI) and
  4. The gender empowerment measure (GEM)
    Major Steps of the HDR Process
    1 Preparatory stage(upto 6mths) Theme selection
    Resource mobilization
    Building the team
    Training and orientation
    Communications strategy
    2 Research and writing(6-9months Research first full draft draft for external review final draft
    3 Production (6-10wks) The final product
  5. Advocacy and
    Follow up
    (Ongoing until next report) Media and communications
    Launch and outreach strategy
    Marketing and dissemination
    Monitoring and assessing impact

 The MDGs, which include reducing the proportion of people living in “extreme” poverty by half between1990 and 2015, define extreme poverty as living on less than $1 per day

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