According to the study, published in the journal Nature Communications

in hdmovies •  5 years ago 

Melbourne: Scientists have achieved the world’s fastest internet data speed, which is enough to download 1000 HD movies in a split second, using a single optical chip, an advance that can help scale up the capacity of network connections across the world.

According to the study, published in the journal Nature Communications, the new innovation could fast-track telecommunications capacity of countries struggling with demand on internet infrastructure.

The researchers, including Bill Corcoran from Monash University in Australia, recorded a data speed of 44.2 Terabits per second (Tbps) from a single light source.

This speed, the scientists said, was achieved by attaching their new device to existing fibre-optic technology, like the one used in broadband internet network.

"Initially, these would be attractive for ultra-high speed communications between data centres," Arnan Mitchell, a co-author of the study from RMIT University in Australia, said in a statement.

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