Stay up all night long family can not less fruit and vegetable juices

in heaith •  7 years ago 


Busy and fast-paced urban life, so many white-collar workers have to stay up all night for a long time. However, staying up late on the body harm is great. Therefore, when staying up late, we must eat food to supplement nutrition. Today, what we are going to introduce is that you can stay up all night with fruits and vegetables and juices, so take a quick look at all those.

Stay up all night can not be less fruit family

Apple As the saying goes, "eat apples every day, doctors stay away from me," apples are a lot of fruits of good health, which is rich in organic acids, pectin, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, polyphenols and flavonoids. As people who stay up late are prone to endocrine disorders and constipation or obesity, skin deterioration and so on. Therefore, a large number of vitamins in apple and malic acid can make the fat in the body decomposition, which can effectively prevent body fat, increase hemoglobin, the skin becomes delicate. Its rich pectin, but also can promote excretion, prevent atherosclerosis.

Carambola Contains a variety of ingredients beneficial to human health, such as sugar, vitamin A, vitamin C and various fiber, acid. Carambola rich in acid can inhibit melanin precipitation, and moisturizing effect, to improve the dry or oily skin have a significant effect. For women who stay up all night, it is a good fruit for good skin

Oranges. Orange has almost become synonymous with vitamin C, vitamin C can be protected from sunlight and computer radiation and so on, inhibit the formation of pigment particles, the skin white and moist. For friends staying up late, many due to not easy to rest constipation, oranges and peculiar cellulose and pectin substances, but also conducive to bowel purge, eliminate harmful substances in the body to ensure good health and enhance immunity.

lemon. It can be said that the model of fruit whitening, often stay up all night long face acne acne, citric acid to spot, prevent pigmentation, oral administration are very effective. Foreign beauty experts call it a beauty fruit, eat lemon can help digestion and absorption, make the skin smooth and delicate.

Grapes. Grapes known as the world's top four fruits, grapes rich in glucose and vitamins, the effect of protecting the liver is very obvious. High nutritional value of grapes, rich in antioxidant ingredients, can delay aging, very suitable for people to stay up all night.

Longan. Longan can replenish heart and blood, blood and soothe the nerves. Anyone who is forgetful, insomnia, palpitations, mental retardation, etc., which is caused by the deficiency of both the heart and the spleen, can be adjusted by taking the longan.

banana. Banana contains very rich in potassium, followed by magnesium is also very rich in content, modern experts have shown that the body to maintain normal heart and blood pressure of potassium is the main force, potassium can effectively prevent the rise in blood pressure or muscle spasm , While magnesium has the effect of eliminating fatigue. In addition, the sugar in bananas can be quickly converted to glucose, immediately absorbed by the body, is a fast source of energy, so eating banana after staying up late can supplement physical strength.

grapefruit. Grapefruit contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C, is a typical alkaline food, can eliminate the harm caused to the nervous system. Eat can make people energetic, refreshing and promoting memory effect.

In addition, there are suitable for staying up late drinking juice recommended to everyone oh.

Stay up late should drink juice

Appropriate amount of apples, carrots, spinach and celery cut into small pieces, add milk, honey, a little ice, broken with a blender, made of nutrient-rich and rich fruit and vegetable juices.

Bananas, papaya and premium yogurt are shattered together, nutritious and able to replenish much of the body's energy.

Two kiwifruit, four oranges and one lemon are made from fresh juices rich in vitamin C that boosts energy and beauty.

After three grapefruit skinned juice, a bunch of grapes broken into grape juice, plus two tablespoons of honey, sweet and sour taste.

A fresh cucumber, 1/2 liters of soy milk, 3 peppermint, together with a broken smash made of cool cucumber juice, refreshing and relieved.

Finally, remind everyone should try to minimize the time to stay up late.

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