Sunday is Awesome and you must not waste it !

in healing •  8 years ago 

Sunday is the best day of the week and that gives me more to time to sleep. I wake up late on sunday around 10 am and that's not bad. Your body needs to rest and other days I get only 6 hours per day of sleep. It improves my memory and there is no rush today and its an awesome sunday. You should also try going out to the shop to have that amazing delicious breakfast or cook your favorite dish.

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If you got any plans on sunday, just quit and stay idle. Our mind needs to relax and we are always thinking every minute. Back in the 80's, the human minds were able to think 100 thoughts in a day and now it's 10k thoughts each day, in the future it would be 100k thoughts for sure. With chrome notification, mobile notification,facebook chats and skype calls it's going to make your life worse. You need a plan!. I check all my emails and notifications only at a particular hour.. It's good to have an eye on the monkey mind but it's tough. You will get restlessness if you aren't happy or passionate . Each thought is a vibration and it strengthens your belief system


Stop thinking too much and it helps!.The more we avoid being greedy or fearful ,we concentrate better, we become focused. We need to concentrate one thing and make it happen. Multi-tasking is big No and most people can't do it. There is no material gains nor spiritual gains with multi-tasking and you miss a lot of happiest moments. Best day is sunday and you need to relax for the productive week ahead. Your brain needs rest!

so,What the hell can you do on a sunday?

Just two things

  1. eat veggie food

  2. meditate

Enjoy the sunday, and it's a healing day!

You have 52 days like that each year to heal your mind and body!

Follow me on steemit for similar awesome posts, happy sunday!

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