RE: Does Healing Have to Be Painful?

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Does Healing Have to Be Painful?

in healing •  7 years ago 

I agree that healing doesn't have to be painful... but it usually is! I'm not sure if you know of the teacher Adyashanti, but reading everything you say here reminded of something he shared in one of his talks. He said the more we become aware the less often life has to hit us on the head to wake us up. Essentially, once we get the picture we don't need so many (or any) ordeals to remind us of the path we're on (healing). And yes... I think there is the assumption, on a massive scale, that we have to go through some catastrophic event to have a shift in perspective or embody a long-lasting transformation. Which from my 'research'... I don't say personal experience because I fall on the really painful end of the spectrum! ;o)... just isn't true.

I will say though, while I don't think that pain is necessary, I do think that pain can be a catalyst or an initiation into a much deeper life (maybe not the consciousness/illumination side of things but the darker, underworld.... like on one side there's the expansion or upward growth and on the other there's the deeper or downward growth). For example, if I've had a spontaneous awakening I can only illuminate (my inner and outer worlds) in direct proportion to the darkness I've integrated. In theory (but also some personal history here) the more pain I've experienced, the more compassion I am capable of holding. Then again though, I'm so with you on realizing we really don't know a whole lot... I'm definitely not 100% sure of anything I said here!

Thank you for another thought-provoking post, I love reading your thoughts and contemplating the topics you share!

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm so happy to hear your comment - and I really resonate with this. I love Adyashanti :) and yes I totally agree that if we are paying attention then the message can be subtle and even pleasant. Only after repeated ignorance will we require a real bashing over the head :P

My journey was also one of incredible suffering. And that definitely gave me some insight into life, it carved out a deeper space for me to feel into. Also I think that it gives us the necessary experience to draw from, as we interact with other people who are suffering. So we can say 'yes I know what you are going through, and there is a way to come out of it'.

It's kind of a funny one because in a sense the suffering isn't real it's just a misunderstanding, we become divided against ouselves. On the other hand it totally is real! (or the consequences are). The healing journey makes us integrate and accept all these painful things. Continually shifting perspectives.

Great to hear from you 😃❤