Time to yourself

in healing •  6 years ago  (edited)

Is there such a thing as time to yourself?

Are you really ever alone long enough to gather yourself or are you even in moments of being alone still engaging others in your mind. What I could have said, what I should have said, what I am going to say and or do.

Are we so spent on others that we forget who we are and what we are really worth? How much of yourself is healthy to invest in others?

People these days are quick to talk about selfishness and harshly criticise anyone who takes care of themselves, but forgets that if one neglects oneself you stop being productive, you stop progressing and before long you end up in the same boat at those who look to you for help.

Productive and progressive communities only survive and thrive when there is equality and respect. Respect enough to understand that the basic dignities you are after is the same for the next person. The same quality of life you want for yourself is what is important to the next person. Sometime to breathe, reflect and find value in what makes us happy and that isn't always the work you do, that is seldom the case.

Does a great deal of the strife caused not derive from suffocation of the other's need for time to gather the soul and mind. How much easier isn't it to give more when you are more and isn't it easier to be more when your time needed to recharge is respected?

I often say that respect is the thing most needed today, isn't it?

Improvise Adapt & Overcome

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

alone time / self work is so so so so underrated and so very necessary. You have to be able to heal yourself before you can ever help anyone else. Nice post!

Exactly bud. Have a good one

Aaaah so true, become an abundant overflowing fountain so that the waters may nurture it’s surrounds :D very wise

It's a lot more important that most realise.