RE: Dealing with seasonal/recurring depression... What tips & tricks do you have?

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Dealing with seasonal/recurring depression... What tips & tricks do you have?

in healing •  6 years ago 

I used to battle anxiety and on & off depression. What I found was that most all of this stemmed from childhood traumas & dysfunction. Seeing a therapist, doing the inner child work as well as getting sober and working 12 step meetings has been a life changer for me. I’m much happier now, and my anxiety is practically gone. Very seldom, if not hardly ever do I find myself in a depressed state. Best wishes, Kenny!

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I've been considering seeing a therapist; I do a variety of workshops & practices that help dive into that trauma, but have never taken that particular step.

Sobriety was definitely one of the first steps on getting things together as it were. Been years since I used caffeine, alcohol, or any other drugs besides THC, which I cut out a couple months ago.

Thanks for sharing your journey; blessings!

A good therapist or even better, someone to work with who does a little therapy (especially mindfulness based) along with repatterning or reprogramming work (such as NLP for instance) has been indispensable for me. Depression is a heavy energy, so working with lighter energies on a daily basis will also help. Get a journal out and write down some energies that feel light to you, and examples of visualizations or other situations that help you connect with and feel those energies. Cultivating that within will help you entrain with the lighter energies, which is sooooo helpful. It also increases your neuroplasticity by practicing this (especially connecting it to writing by hand which accesses the subconscious terrifically) which will in turn help you in the future to better be able to deal with depressive episodes.
One thing to remember is that depression is not bad... Or good... It's just a thing, an event and an experience of your internal environment. That thought is always helpful to me, as it helps me remember that although the depression is mine, and therefore I can identify with it, and own it, I don't have to dwell within it. I can look at it as an observer rather than an active participant, or even a victim of the feelings, situation or experience. Totally different mindset.
If you are experiencing anxiety along with it, I made a little video on managing anxiety a month or two ago that might be helpful for ya.
The best to you, I believe you will find whatever medicine you are meant to find, and that soon you will once more be expansive. 😊
Life is breath, always breathing us in and out of experience, and no experience is bad, although they can feel that way. All things are here as our souls speaking to us through these many experiences. It's tough, but good to take the moment to be quiet and listen to the voice of your core.

Xx ToL