in health-benefit •  7 years ago 


It is a famous plant with a lengthy and rich history; a symbol of love that cuts across cultures; a power food packed with antioxidants, phytochemicals, minerals, and the building blocks of neurotransmitters and other “feel good” hormones; and a medicine backed by modern research with far-reaching implications for treating cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and other chronic degenerative diseases.

Some experts are even saying the health-giving properties of cocoa will potentially benefit public health equal to or more than antibiotics and anesthesia. The beautiful thing is that raw organic cocoa is readily available in most health food stores.

Cocoa beans are the fermented seeds of the cacao tree, whose Latin name is
Theobroma cacao, which means “ Food of the Gods”. It is native to the Amazon region and as the meaning suggests, it was historically considered a very important crop in Central and South America.

In fact, its beans were so prized that the native tribes used them as a form of currency. The cacao tree stands about 12-25 feet tall and grows naturally in tropical climates.

The fruit of the cocoa tree is a pod full of sweet pulp enfolding a cluster of about 20-40 cacao seeds. Today, it is produced across the world, with about forty percent of the harvesting done in Cote d’Ivoire, along with Indonesia, Ghana, Brazil, Nigeria, and Cameroon contributing to the overall production.

Along with its well-established role in the manufacturing of chocolate , the healing and medicinal benefits of cocoa have been appreciated since the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations were ruling.

Cocoa and chocolate are diverse terminologies. Cocoa refers to the low-fat constituent of the finely ground cacao beans. These ground beans, known as cocoa liquor or cocoa mass, also contain cocoa butter , which is a non-dairy, naturally occurring fat present in cacao beans. About 50-60% of cocoa liquor consists of cocoa butter .

Can we consider it a health food? It is important to realize that most research is conducted on raw cocoa powder and not chocolate. With that being said there is some indication that chocolate can be a healthy addition to the diet, but the real magic happens with raw organic cocoa powder.

As the sugar and milk portion increases in chocolate, the health benefits of the chocolate decreases. The greatest health benefits are derived from unprocessed cocoa rather than a processed version of it and so raw organic cocoa is superior to dark chocolate which is better than milk chocolate.

Dutch processed or alkalinized cocoa helps to reduce the acidity of raw cocoa, but also destroys some of its medicinal power. Raw cocoa that is not organic contains pesticide and herbicide residues.


Cocoa beans are also good for the cardiovascular system as they contain polyphenols, which has been proven to be quite beneficial for good heart health. Research indicates that polyphenols, as found in cocoa beans, might reduce blood pressure.

Cocoa beans contain magnesium. This is another nutrient that promotes good heart health. Magnesium increases heart strength and improves its condition. This helps to ensure that the heart will continue to effectively pump blood. Magnesium also decreases the risk of blood clots. This in turn, reduces the risks of strokes and heart attacks.


Cocoa extracts have been trusted for their therapeutic and wound-healing properties in the manufacturing of natural medicinal products. The extracts help in preventing the development of various kinds of infections in the body. If consumed along with the appropriate medication, it has also been considered helpful in eradicating
Helicobacter pylori bacteria from the body.

Cocoa has also been found to be effective in maintaining good skin health. Research findings suggest that the consumption of flavonol-rich cocoa helps in decreasing the effects of UV- induced erythema, and reducing skin roughness and scaling. It also aids in enhancing skin elasticity, hydration, and density.

Another study confirmed that epicatechin present in cacao aids in elevating the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin, stimulating the healthy flow of blood in the dermal tissues, and contributing to endogenous
photo-protection . It is used in the preparation of various skin care products.

Cocoa is also considered as super brain food due to the rich of flavanol found in cocoa which is beneficial to maintain the healthy brain. Furthermore, it is also closely related to function of cocoa in making sure the blood will flow to brain and provide the oxygen so brain will function optimally.

Cocoa beans, in their raw form, may be purchased at health stores. It is possible to purchase and consume them in that manner however many people find it difficult to deal with the harsh, bitter taste. Luckily there is a more pleasant tasting option, dark chocolate.

There are specific characteristics that dark chocolate, selected for health, should contain. For example, healthy dark chocolate needs to have no less than 70% cacao. No milk or any other dairy products should be present in the chocolate as they inhibit the body's ability to absorb antioxidants.

Not everyone knows that asthma is not only about respiratory issue because asthma is actually one of the effects of allergen reaction. So, what we should do to treat asthma is avoiding the trigger in all accounts. Cocoa contains xanthine and theophylline which is valuable to cure various allergies.

A good number of the health benefits that are known to be contributed to cocoa beans indicate a possibility that they could be a weight loss aid.

It is easy to see that cocoa not only plays a multi-factorial role in protecting us from chronic degenerative diseases but also goes a long way to making us feel good by its mood enhancing and nutritive properties. It may not impart immortality to us yet, but it is certainly immortalized in human history. How wise the ancient peoples were to realize the powerful and far reaching implications of this amazing plant.

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