[health]Todays Most Popular Posts Promotion here on tag health

in health-data •  7 years ago 

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Does Aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines cause Autism? New article provides solid evidence it does! (Spoiler: No, it doesn’t)

created by @irime
Current Payout Value = 323.18

Description:- A couple days ago, the following article firmly took roots in both the main and the health trending section of…

Sleep Tight Tonight! 171

created by @jerrybanfield
Current Payout Value = 230.02

Description:- Would you let me tell you what works for me to consistently get an amazing night of sleep and share all the details…


created by @papa-pepper
Current Payout Value = 138.71

Description:- This is Part 9 of a new series. On earth, we get one body. If we destroy it, it’ll be gone, so health is important.…

Another Kind of Happiness

created by @cryptopolitan
Current Payout Value = 192.40

Description:- What Is Happiness And How Do We Get It? These days, we are all under pressure to be productive and achieve external…

Riding Bikes, Poison, and Hopefully Keeping My Face

created by @ellicia
Current Payout Value = 100.20

Description:- My morning was as usual (those of you who read my other writings know that my mornings are pretty hectic), only I had…

New Fermentation Room Trial Run: Week 1 Update

created by @evdoggformayor
Current Payout Value = 68.67

Description:- Hello steemers, I was pleased with the response to the post on my pickle room, so I thought I should update…


created by @stacee
Current Payout Value = 137.28

Description:- Abstract: This capsule filling machine my mum bought can help DIY your own capsules and making capsules become her…

Let's settle it once and for all: Is the penis a muscle? - An anatomical approach

created by @replichara
Current Payout Value = 111.04

Description:- Following @suesa's call for entries that scientifically cover a misconception, I'm going to write about an amusing and…

Dairy Farmer Explains Why Those Who Troll Vegans Are Wrong To Do So

created by @ura-soul
Current Payout Value = 48.50

Description:- Reposted from a Facebook group - I'm a meat eater but I completely support anyone who chooses to be vegan. I'm a…

New Study Linking Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines to Autism-Like Symptoms in Mice. Important Information.

created by @kafkanarchy84
Current Payout Value = 132.88

Description:- A new study has recently been published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (Vol 177), demonstrating…

Free me from this pain!!!

created by @healthwizard
Current Payout Value = 43.22

Description:- SPRUE IN YOUR MOUTH Sprue really makes me suffer. I feel it hard to eat, drink, even to talk and move my mouth it…

Nihilism remedy for Anxiety? Is nihilism a viable remedy to anxiety and even conducive to success.

created by @loshcat
Current Payout Value = 87.31

Description:- After living a whopping twenty-something years, I think I might have found a counter-intuitive model for overcoming…

Avocados: one of the cheapest ways to slow aging

created by @suggeelson
Current Payout Value = 30.64

Description:- Avocado in salad, avocado for breakfast, avocado as an appetizer ... In recent years, avocados have become a…

Elderberry Tincture

created by @mamadini
Current Payout Value = 87.68

Description:- A few days ago I posted a blog about the stuff I grow on my homestead, here: In the comments I got a request to…

Dear Diary: This Flat Earth got Delivered Unto Me

created by @cryptopie
Current Payout Value = 46.89

Description:- Unto dust I shall return and nimble this Diatomaceous Earth This kind of "earth" is like no other, it s one of the…

Mia's anatomy!!!

created by @armandocat
Current Payout Value = 56.55

Description:- This morning, while my brother Armando was coding, I went to the vet for the first time! "WHO THE HELL IS…

Bounties Of The Land Episode 6: Harvesting & Tasting Wild Crafted Malabar Spinach! Video, Photos Info and More!

created by @quinneaker
Current Payout Value = 32.59

Description:- Greetings! Its another sustainable, abundant and healthy day in The Garden of eden! We have a lot of wild…

Should Our Children Be Playing Contact Sports or Not?: Dr. Bennet Omalu

created by @cabbagepatch
Current Payout Value = 39.03

Description:- Image Credit For the past six articles I have been on the very serious topic of Concussions. I have gone…

Wildcrafted Medicine: Incredible Healing Properties of LEMON THAI BASIL

created by @gardenofeden
Current Payout Value = 71.69

Description:- Our abundant, aromatic, lush, lovely, delicious, and delightful herbs have potent healing properties, and we want to…

JUST BEING ME! (with some PTSD and head trauma -- one step at a time)

created by @clevercreator
Current Payout Value = 8.96

Description:- It takes a brave person to feel comfortable in their life – Especially, when life starts throwing curveballs. The…

Terapi Mata

created by @ririn
Current Payout Value = 4.43

Description:- Siang ini cuaca di Semarang cukup cetar membahana panasnya. Memasuki musim pancaroba ini cuaca memang tak menentu.…

We Removed Something You Posted...

created by @blaineb
Current Payout Value = 1.30


Description:- Greetings My Esteemed Followers! When you see it...

Avocados: one of the cheapest ways to slow aging

created by @suggeelson
Current Payout Value = 30.64

Description:- Avocado in salad, avocado for breakfast, avocado as an appetizer ... In recent years, avocados have become a…

Sweet Selection for the Autumn Feast (No Sugar) - Original Recipes

created by @woman-onthe-wing
Current Payout Value = 1.49

Description:- One of my favourite ways to spend an autumn afternoon is in the kitchen... glass of wine and warm glow in my belly…

A red meal / eine rote Mahlzeit

created by @reconnectnature
Current Payout Value = 8.43

Description:- A healthy and tasty meal for beautiful autumn days Ein gesundes und schmackhaftes Essen für schöne Herbsttage…

Granny's home remedy for curing Flu

created by @pkvlogs
Current Payout Value = 1.27

Description:- Granny's home remedy for curing Flu. Tulsi juice mixed with honey in equal portion is a good remedy. Black…

Granny's home remedy for treating gastric problem

created by @pkvlogs
Current Payout Value = 0.87

Description:- Granny's home remedy for treating gastric problem. Consume lime juice mixed with cider vinegar in a glass of…

Amber Fox

created by @m31
Current Payout Value = 2.14

Description:- “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” ― Albert Einstein Be a man of value? Days when…

Granny's home remedy for curing Filaria.

created by @pkvlogs
Current Payout Value = 0.90

Description:- Granny's home remedy for curing Filaria. Three leaves of bel tree taken everyday is helpful. Ten cloves of…

Ethnic restaurant with outstanding atmosphere.雰囲気抜群のエスニックレストラン。

created by @childcare
Current Payout Value = 2.53

Description:- When I introduced Pho a while ago, I went out for a while but this is my favorite ethnic restaurant…

Peanut and other allergies- get in early.

created by @daydreams4rock
Current Payout Value = 0.21

Description:- Newest research has shown that exposing babies to peanut through the mothers milk, ie. the mother consumes some…

Stell dich der Herausforderung!

created by @theresteemer
Current Payout Value = 1.71

Description:- Bist du ein Wettkampftyp? Brauchst du den direkten Vergleich um dich anzuspornen? Brauchst du jemanden, der dich jagt…

365 Days That Count - Day 270 - No better way to start the day than with a walk in the vineyards!❤️ And no better way to end it than boxing!

created by @daisyd
Current Payout Value = 2.04

Description:- I dragged the dogs out of bed early and met Em at Groote Constantia, the oldest vineyard in South Africa, conveniently…


created by @themessup
Current Payout Value = 13.31

Description:- I am absolutely obsessed with this smoothie lately. It's definitely a staple of mine now. And it's really simple to…

Dayleeoga Day 29 | Because Friday waits for no one!… Yoga for Inner Acceptance

created by @dayleeo
Current Payout Value = 1.59

Description:- This class is an old favorite, perfect for before bed or as an anxiety buster. There’s about 15 minutes of deep…

A Bird in Last Moment of its Death... A shocking Capture

created by @mrchips
Current Payout Value = 0.41

Description:- I saw a Bird in my home side. It was totally helpless and near to die. I care it and put some water in front of it.…

Don't know what to say for holiday!

created by @bearbear613
Current Payout Value = 0.14

Description:- So Steemit is pretty eclectic. It's just like high school; or more like university: Radical leftists, Radical Right…

La meditación y la importancia en nuestras vidas.

created by @alexicp
Current Payout Value = 0.18

Description:- Como habrán notado en mis anteriores post, soy estudiante de ingeniería civil y como sabrán estamos constantemente en…

Todays Top Author of category health @irime @jerrybanfield @papa-pepper @cryptopolitan @ellicia @evdoggformayor @stacee @replichara @ura-soul @kafkanarchy84 @healthwizard @loshcat @suggeelson @mamadini @cryptopie @armandocat @quinneaker @cabbagepatch @gardenofeden @clevercreator @ririn @blaineb @suggeelson @woman-onthe-wing @reconnectnature @pkvlogs @pkvlogs @m31 @pkvlogs @childcare @daydreams4rock @theresteemer @daisyd @themessup @dayleeo @mrchips @bearbear613 @alexicp

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