Ginger to lose weight: how to drink ginger to lose weight quickly?

in health-food •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Ginger to lose weight: how to drink ginger to lose weight quickly? Luxury in shape, with an unforgettable aroma of ginger can replace an entire pharmacy: eliminates headache, helps to survive poisoning and even strengthens the faded attraction to the opposite sex. Predictably, among the many talents of the exotic root, it turned out that the next one, suddenly eclipsed all the others. The recipe for ginger tea to lose weight is one of the most popular folk remedies. So how do you drink ginger to lose weight?

a long-time useful acquaintance Ginger is a herbaceous plant, a close relative not only of a beautiful orchid, but also of other well-known spice monitors, turmeric. As in the case of turmeric, the commercial interest is only a large juicy rhizome of the plant, in which all the useful properties of ginger are concentrated. As for the origin of the scientific names of ginger, Zingabera, the researchers argue: according to one opinion, which is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning "root horns", according to another point of view, the ancient sages of India are used to refer to sparking the expression "universal medicine." It seems that the second option, if it has not been confirmed linguistically, is true, in fact: fragrant burning of old roots are used in traditional medicine and cooking all over the world. ADVERTISING Russian ginger, called simply "white root", is known since the time of Kievan Rus.


Its powder was filled with sbiten and improved cakes, and the infusions were treated with colds, stomach cramps and even hangovers. Speaking of the benefits of ginger to lose weight, it is difficult to call a general malaise, in which it will be useless. The unique components of ginger are special terpenes, ethereal compounds of zingiberen and borneol. Not only do they give the ginger its unforgettable scent, but they also give it the disinfecting and heating qualities of the root.
How is it right to drink ginger to lose weight fast? Choose the right product Ginger Diet, during which a healthy diet supplement with a ginger drink, a well-known tool for weight loss and detoxification. Ginger tea recipes prescribe to cook it from a raw fresh root. In recent years, this exotic product has become a regular inhabitant of vegetable shelves in almost any supermarket, it is not difficult to acquire. However, it is important to observe several simple selection rules. The most valuable in terms of composition and active substances is the young root of ginger, in addition, this ginger is easier to clean, their skins do not have time to disappear.

Visually the young ginger differs nice beige-gold color, to the touch it is soft, without nodules. In scrap, the fibers of the root are clear, from white to creamy. The ancient root of ginger can be recognized by a dry and wrinkled skin, often with nodules: "eyes" and vegetation. The cleared root has a yellow color, it is differentiated by thick rigid fibers. Cut and grate the old ginger, palpably intensive in work. Fresh ginger is good, maintaining its remarkable qualities for at least a month. The crumbled and dried ginger is also very useful, but in a pickled ginger, well known to fans of sushi bars, there is a lot of flavor, but, unfortunately, a minimum of good.

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