Increase and development of muscle mass with Fitness. very fast.

in health-food •  7 years ago 


Increase and development of muscle mass with Fitness
increase muscle mass
Increased muscle mass

This article focuses on a part of Fitness, such as muscle growth and enlargement (hypertrophy). The training to increase the protein synthesis at the muscular level and thus lead to the development of the musculature will vary according to the experience of the person and the preparation phase in which it is, in addition there are several specific training methods to work the hypertrophy, but the general guidelines for developing muscle mass are:

3 - 4 sessions a week.
6 - 8 exercises.
3 - 6 sets of each exercise.
8 - 12 repetitions.
60 '' - 90 '' of rest between series and series.
In addition, it is important to perform exercises that involve several muscle groups (for example: pull-ups) instead of exercises involving only one muscle group (for example: biceps curl). Pay attention and control the eccentric phase of the exercise, since working correctly this phase facilitates gaining more muscle mass, for example: in a bench press, the eccentric phase corresponds to the lowering of the bar. And, the range of movement should be broad to have better results.
Also, remember that every 2 months you have to give new stimuli to the muscle to be able to continue evolving and, therefore, it is necessary to change the exercises and / or the training method.

Feeding for increases in muscle mass
And, the food? How important is it when you want to increase the volume of muscle mass?

To carry out a diet adapted to the physical characteristics and the activity of the person, varied and balanced, will allow to maximize the adaptations produced by the physical exercise, that is to say, the results and the physical performance will be better.

The caloric intake will have to have an extra contribution of between 400 and 500 kcal per day to promote protein synthesis and increase in muscle mass.

It is essential to make a high intake of carbohydrates (cereals, bread, potatoes, legumes, fruits, vegetables ...), as this increases protein retention and promotes protein balance, thus preventing proteins from being used as way of obtaining energy. In women, this consumption of carbohydrates should be higher than 4 g / kg of weight and in men greater than 6 g / kg of weight and day. Eating this nutrient, before, during and after exercise, reduces the use of protein to generate energy, because having the muscle glycogen stores at a correct level, inhibits muscle catabolism, ie the destruction of muscle mass.
Protein consumption for muscle mass increases
Protein needs (poultry, meat, fish, egg, dairy, legumes, nuts ...) will also be increased, the maximum need to gain muscle mass is 1.7 g / kg of weight and day at the start of strength training . It is also true that the organism ends up adapting to stress and the protein needs are reduced, in many cases an intake of 1.5 g / kg of weight is sufficient. Thus, a consumption of between 1.5 and 1.7 g / kg of weight and day will cover the needs, in addition it is good to eat both animal protein (poultry, meat, fish, eggs, dairy) and vegetable (legumes, cereals, fruits dry).

If the protein intake exceeds 2 g / kg of weight and day, not only will it not benefit the organism, but it will have a negative influence on it, since the levels of uric acid, ammonia and urea will be increased considerably affecting and overloading directly to the liver and kidneys, organs responsible for processing and eliminating these substances, which in large quantities are toxic to the body. In addition, an excessively high consumption of protein will also have a negative impact on the assimilation of calcium.

The intake of fats will be around 25-30% of the total daily intake, a lower intake is not advisable or healthy as it puts at risk the absorption of fat-soluble vitamin, among other functions. Priority will be given to monounsaturated fats (oil, avocado, nuts) and polyunsaturated fats (nuts, seeds, blue fish).

Should you eat something at the end of the workout?
Between 1 and 4 hours post exercise and to take advantage of the metabolic window, it is important to make an intake of carbohydrates and protein, there is a food with a high glycemic index such as skimmed milk or juice to promote protein retention. The ideal balance is: 3: 1 or 4: 1 with 1 g / kg of carbohydrate weight and 0.3 g / kg of protein weight. That is, an athlete weighing 75 kg, should ingest 75 g of carbohydrates and 22 g of protein at the end of their training.

This could be achieved with:

Example 1:

glass of skimmed milk 250 ml.
80 g bread with 3 slices of turkey or ham.
fruit ration.
Example 2:

natural fruit juice.
bread 80 g with 2 cooked medium eggs.
skimmed yogurt (2).
Another option to ingest after the session of strength and muscular development, is a recovery shake with these proportions of carbohydrates and protein, that is, 3: 1 or 4: 1. In this case, whey hydrolysed protein (known as whey hydrolyzate) is better than specific amino acids, this protein is very rich in essential amino acids and is characterized by rapid release of these in the intestine. The digestion of this type of protein is faster and more efficient and therefore, more beneficial than soy protein or casein.

However, we must take into account that the consumption of supplements must be controlled, aware of the amount of energy they provide. Also, it is not always necessary to make the intake of carbohydrates and protein in the form of a supplement, but it can be done and it is even recommended that it be made with natural foods, even if carbohydrate and protein intake through the food is sufficient, then supplements are not necessary nor do they suppose any benefit. But it is also true that if you train several times a day or if at any time it is not feasible to make the intake in the form of food, in these cases, supplementation with carbohydrates and protein will be recommended.

What other supplements can be effective for muscle gain?
In addition, from whey hydrolyzed protein, there are other supplements that have shown benefit in training to increase strength and muscle mass. These are: creatine and OH-methylbutyric acid or HMB (metabolite of leucine), both are also found naturally in foods.

The creatine, allows to increase the phosphocreatine levels in the muscle, thus facilitating the generation of more ATP, fuel necessary to perform the exercises aimed at developing muscle mass, this can improve somewhat the strength and therefore the muscle mass. As it causes fluid retention, it is important that anyone who supplements with creatine drinks enough water. And, the HMB prevents muscle degradation and increases protein synthesis, promoting increased strength.

The supplements can only offer benefits if the training (order of exercises, intensity, speed of execution ...), feeding and hydration and rest are optimal. Also, before taking any supplement it is advisable to receive advice from a specialized dietitian-nutritionist, to know if it is appropriate to take it, and if so, to know how, when and during what period it should be taken.

Finally, note that each person has a genetic component and hormone levels (testosterone, growth hormone, IGF-1 and cortisol) that condition and vary the response to the same training between one individual and another.


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Thank you very much for your recommendation, I barely have two days here, I am still learning, I will take those tips to improve every day, thanks