Uncommon Peanut Benefits

in health •  7 years ago 



For some people, nuts are one of the foods that are often avoided, especially for those who are on a diet. Not only that, nuts are also often accused as food causes of acne and other diseases.

Peanuts are one of oil-rich tropical or subtropical plants. Peanuts can be consumed directly after it is boiled or processed into other food ingredients. Processed foods from peanuts include cakes, jams, candy, bread, or oil.

Oil derived from peanuts is considered relatively healthier than cooking oil from oil palm. This is because peanuts contain high levels of monounsaturated fat. In addition, groundnut flour is also a healthier choice. This is because peanuts contain high protein content. And not only that, the flour of the peanut type is also gluten-free, so it is safe for those who are sensitive to gluten.

Peanuts or groundnut belong to the legume group. It is not the same as beans that come from trees or tree nuts. Examples of beans from trees include almonds, cashews, and walnuts. However, since both have similar nutrients, they are all known as nuts. Recent studies have revealed the result that some types of nuts have some health benefits, if they are consumed with the right amount.

The content in a peanut, among others, contains vitamin E, folic acid, protein, fiber, magnesium, monounsaturated fats, and rich in antioxidants. This nutritional content plays a role in reducing the risk of heart disease. A study found results that the risk of heart disease in people who consume 140 Grams of beans or more on a weekly basis may decrease the risk by approximately 35 percent.

Another benefit is peanuts can help increase good cholesterol levels and reduce bad cholesterol content. Besides eating peanuts can also prevent hardening of the arteries and help dilate blood vessels.

Special benefits of peanuts can be felt for those who are on a diet. Any kind of nuts can be used as a healthy friend. Recent studies have found results that people who frequently consume nuts are helpful to lose weight than those who do not. It is possible by combining nuts into your diet. You can replace some of your calorie foods with peanuts. However, not by adding your caloric intake with excessive consumption of nuts.

Source: alodokter.com

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I've always liked peanuts
I did not know he had so many properties.
Thanks for sharing this with us :)