How to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy carbs - by @dcrypto

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to an understanding if carbs are good for us. Some people including me like to have carbs in the form of rice, pasta or any kind of fruits and legumes. We have been advised to take less amount of carbs, moreover, many studies shown that eating a massive amount of carbs are associated with increased risk of blood sugar. On the other hand, research has shown that carbohydrates help to improve your immunity system during workouts. However, we should know what we are eating whether the carbs are good or bad for our health.

Consuming carbohydrates in the first few hours immediately after strenuous exercise also helps to restore immune function. This is especially important in situations where the recovery duration between two consecutive exercise sessions is short, which is often the case for athletes.

Coming to the definition of carbohydrates, those are mixtures of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and these can be categorized into three categories, they are sugars, long grain glucose, and fiber. So things which help us to identify what kind of carbs we should be eating is given below.

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The key here is wherever you find unprocessed carbs you can say it as healthy carbs which can be eaten on a daily basis. For example, bananas, sweet potatoes, potatoes, brown rice, and dates. And, we can find refined carbs that have no or little amount of fiber in it. These carbs are obtained by processing and while this process, many nutrients, and minerals will vanish. Some examples of this kind of carbs are refined flour, white rice, and pastries. The main difference between healthy carbs and non-healthy carbs is associated with the impact on insulin levels.

A new study finds that consuming sugary beverages, processed foods, and other energy-dense carbohydrate-containing foods markedly increased the risk of prostate cancer, choosing healthy carbs like legumes, fruits, and whole grains was associated with a substantial reduction in the risk for breast, prostate and colorectal cancers.


We understand that we should be eating healthy carbs; however, moderation is the key that we know already. A recommended value of healthy carbs we should be eating to get a slim body is about 100 to 150 grams per day, which is around 15 to 30% of total calories; however, a recommended value is about 45 to 65% of daily calories intake.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates. That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbs a day.


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I stick to mostly veggie and beans for carbs

This info is something that should have gone wide, don't you think that with more tags the visibility would have increased and your good work here studied by others to improve their knowledge of carbs? Just my suggestion, good research on carbs.

I don't understand how carbs give immunity during exercise but I know that as energy giving food, carbohydrates gives stamina and stability to a person performing exercise or strenuous work. You might clarify me on that particular statement. Thank you

Informative content. Rarely anybody focus on such information which is mandatory for our health. A balance between carbs and protein is must for our body, excessive or less quantity both can harm us.

I'm a doctor and a lot of patients often ask about the best way to stay healthy. Its a complex topic and one which people just often feel overwhelmed by, which is a main reason why obesity is soaring - people just feel like they cant understand healthy eating!
I think what you're talking about as 'healthy carbs' are ones with a low glycemic index (GI). Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly the carbs you consume affect your blood sugar levels. A high GI carb will cause a quick sharp rise in blood sugar whereas a low GI carb will cause a slower more gradual increase that doesnt reach the same 'peak' high as higher GI carbs.
At the end of your day sugar is sugar to your body. Low GI foods just have this sugar packed up more tightly and it takes your body more time to break the food down and absorb the sugar. This is important for diabetics who want avoid that blood sugar peak but also for everyone else.
Erratic blood sugars and high GI food will eventually lead to insulin resistance and the multitude of ill effects that has on your health.

At the end of the day its everything in moderation. Eat a good amount of fruits, veg, proteins, and also some fats. If you like puddings that fine, have the occasional one just not 5 in a day.

For anyone interested here's a like ranking some food from low to high GI index.

Thank you very much for the information, because of my ignorance, I thought that after training you need to eat protein)))

Nice post dear @africaunited i like it

good I liked your pos you already have my vote I invite you to go through my blog and give me your opinion

Thanks for the great post.

Thank you for this refresher information. always good to remind ourselves of what sometimes seems obvious but does help to be reminded.

thank you

Very interesting ! Thanks for sharing, I am happy to see that my favourite food are good carbs; potatoes; bananas and dates !!

That was good information, thanks YOU

Very informative post! Keep it up

Very elaborate. Carbs have both positive and negative effects. With this, I can moderate my intake of carbs and the kind of carbs I take. Thanks for the enlightenment. Hope I can Resteem this post. It needs to start trending.

Hello, am really into your topic. Cause believe me I take in alot.

A new study finds that consuming sugary beverages, processed foods, and other energy-dense carbohydrate-containing foods markedly increased the risk of prostate cancer, choosing healthy carbs like legumes, fruits, and whole grains was associated with a substantial reduction in the risk for breast, prostate and colorectal cancers.

Thank 👆for this!!!!
Am going to be taking my fruits seriously

Ive been on a VLC (very low carb) diet for a long time now. I can say that it is a very effective way to reduce inflammation in my body. This promotes a healthier body which interns has me getting sick less often and having my joints work a lot better. However every body is different and know exactly how many carbs one can consume without creating a heighten inflammatory response is different. It takes lots of trial and error to find your bodies exact tipping point. So have fun and play around with different numbers over a long period of time as to not get discouraged and then give up. If anyone needs more help let me know!

This is great. I am slowly, but surely trying to incorporate more healthy foods into my daily diet. Moderation is definitely the key. Thanks for sharing this information.

The problem is people do not know the advantages of balance diet..when you consume carbonhydrate too much and there are not other minerals to balance it..then carbonhydrate turns to suguar which Is bad for the body..we should adopt balance diet..

good post

The problem is people do not know the advantages of balance diet....
Thanks for the great post. africaunited (57)

i always used to eat fruits all day long for gOOd health.. <3

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