Efficacy of Noni fruit is still doubtful

in health •  7 years ago 

But medically the benefits of fruit that has the Latin name morinda citrifolia is still in doubt. Further research is needed to establish its validity

Mengkudu is a kind of tropical pine trees commonly found in the Pacific Islands, India, Australia and Southeast Asia. This fruit contains a number of phytochemicals, namely substances in fruits that can prevent disease. Existing phytochemical types include fatty acids, lignans, alkaloids, beta-sitosterol, flavonoids, and iridids. According to the study, there is not enough solid evidence to conclude its positive effect on health.

Meanwhile, mengkudu also contains a number of other nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B3, potassium, calcium, catechins, damnacanthal, sodium, iron, fiber, and carbohydrates.

There are some people who believe this fruit can treat various diseases, including colds, headaches, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, rheumatism, allergies, infections, inflammation, heart disease, psoriasis, HIV, cancer and others.

In Indonesia itself, mengkudu produced in the form of capsules, powder, tea, types of drinks, and cosmetics. Those products are already registered in BPOM RI.

This is the Noni Benefits Viewed from the Medical Side

Several studies have been done to assess the efficacy of mengkudu.
Research shows positive results, but only applies to animals and laboratory studies. As for humans, research has just begun. So there is no strong medical proof for the validity of the benefits of mengkudu in overcoming various conditions in humans.
The following is the result of Noni research on humans who still need further study.


Initial research recommends to consume 6-8 grams of noni per day. It may help the level of energy and handling pain in patients with advanced cancer. Even so, mengkudu has not been proven to have a positive impact on tumor size.

Increased stamina.

Drinking juice containing a mixture of noni, wine, and blackberries for 21 days can increase the stamina of long-distance runners during exercise.

Hearing disorders.

A study showed that eating juice mengkudu as much as four ounces per day for three months did not improve the hearing of women who have hearing loss.

Postoperative nausea and vomiting.

According to research, mengkudu can reduce postoperative nausea. But it seems to have no effect in reducing the symptoms of vomiting.

High blood pressure.

Initial research showed that by drinking four ounces of Tahitian Tahitian juice daily for a month, can reduce blood pressure in people who have the condition.


Drinking three ounces of Tahitian Tahitian juice daily for 5 months can reduce the need to take painkillers in osteoarthritis patients.

In addition to the above conditions, further research is also required for conditions such as cough, abdominal pain, diabetes, constipation, ulcers, liver problems, migraines, infections, indigestion, renal impairment, eye cataracts, asthma, depression, reduce signs of aging, and other conditions.

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Hi! nice post! I also heard that these fruits can cure sunburn pain!

Indeed, these fruits are very many benefits