Wisdom of the Day - Health is wealth

in health •  4 years ago 

I don't know who actually said this first, but there is sure a lot of truth to this saying. If you want to be wealthy, then you better first of all remain healthy. If you are wealthy, but not healthy, then your wealth will have a hard time pleasing you. If you are healthy and wealthy, then you can use your wealth to enjoy life with a good health.

It is all about perspective. So often we forget what we really want in life and as a result, we focus on the wrong things. We often delay what is important in order to do what might not be so important. Taking care of our health is one such thing. I am not at all good at it myself, and that is why I feel like I am writing this entirely to myself, because I need to hit my head hard with this in hope that it will somehow enter and make its way to action in my life.


If you have read a couple of my articles, you probably know that I don't really write these in order to explain the world to everyone else, but I have noticed that I am in need of daily inspiration in order to walk in the right direction and to make the right steps. So, here I go - this is a lesson for me.

I might write and work in order to get wealth, but even more important is my health!

I hope you have received something from reading this message today. It has been challenging for me to write it, and that is why I believe it might be challenging for others as well. Knowing what is right doesn't necessarily make us do what is right!

Make sure to follow me on Steemit for more similar articles and daily inspirations in the future.

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I don't know who actually said this first,

The first wealth is health.
( Ralph Waldo Emerson)
