Yoga pranayam part 2

in health •  7 years ago 

Hi steem member today i will short describe about yoga pranayam.

Total 7 pranayam(daily practice and meditation give you healthy life) and now we start-

1. Bhastrika

Procedure - Take deep breaths and then breathe out.

Duration -  2 minute to 5 minute.

Benefits - useful and helps in heart,lungs,brain,depression,migraine,paralysis.

2. Kapal Bhati

Procedure - Forcefully push air out and stomach will itself  go in.

Duration - 30 times or 1 minute and after few days increase max 5 min to 10 min.

Benefits - helps in obesity,constipation,gastric,asthma,acidity,liver,uterus,stomach and allergy problems,concentration.According to ayurveda it can "cures all diseases of  world".

Caution - if you have heart high BP problems and weak then please do it slowly.

3.  Anulom Vilom

Procedure - Hold your right nasal with thumb, breathe in from left. Now open right nasal and close left nasal with middle and ring finger and breathe out from right nasal. Now breathe in from right nasal. Now close right nasal and open leeft and breathe out and in from left nasal and so on.

Duration - 10 minutes.

Benefits - Useful in heart,high BP,heart blockage,arthritis,sinual fluid reduced,parkinson paralysis,neural related,depression,migraine pain,asthma,sinus, allergy problems.

Caution - Pull air into lungs not to stomach.I want to say,"try to breath with lungs using chest.Do not hurry. Do it slowly.

4. Baahya

Procedure - When breathe air out then touch chin to chest and your stomach completely squeeze,hold and slowly breathe in and release your chin.

Duration - 3 to 5 times

Benefits - hernia,stomach,uterus

Caution - not for heart,high BP problems

5. Bhramari

Procedure - Close ears with index finger rest three on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in and breathe out humming like a bee.

Duration : 10 min

Benefits - Tension,hypertension,high BP,heart blockage,paralysis,confidence.

Caution - no problem and next 2 pranayam no caution.

6. Udgeeth

Procedure - Breathe in deeply, and channt OOOOOOm

Duration - 10 minute

Benefits - Meditation,peace of mind and relaxation.

7. Pranav

Procedure - Close your eyes and sit quitely.Concentrate the mind on inhaling and exhaling and think of god.Imagine the presence of good in every paarticle.Deepper the experience,deeper the physical,mental and spiritual energy.Breathe in naturally and slowly slowly.Sound oooom loudly and slowly slowly silently only in mind chant ooooom

Duration - 2 to 3 minutes but if you have more time,do it 30 to 60 minutes and more as more you can,you want.

Benefits - For spiritual feeling,meditation,feeling energy.

So now practice,meditation every day and feel energetic,full of joy.

Best of luck and happy new year 2018 to you and your family.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

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