Health Benefits of Body Cleansing Detoxification

in health •  9 years ago  (edited)

Detoxification refers to the internal cleansing of the body by removing toxic substances. By eliminating harmful material detoxification boosts the immune system, improves digestion, eliminate the cause of many chronic conditions and stimulate good health, energy, optimism, mobility and stamina. To have a proper understanding of detoxification it is essential to understand the seven systems that the body uses to eliminate waste and toxic matters. When these systems are working properly the result is good health and when they don’t complications can happen.

The 7 Channels of elimination are lungs, lymphatic system, blood, skin, colon, kidneys and liver. When the body confronts a toxin or foreign substance it uses these channels of elimination to purge the toxin as quickly as possible. Here are some Tips to keep these seven channels healthy and active.

  • Don’t Smoke and do not drink Alcohol
  • Indulge in a 15 minutes deep breathe exercises regime
  • Do regular physical exercises
  • Go to a Sauna once in a while and sweat out
  • Drink lots of water daily

However, despite of our best efforts we may not be able to prevent from toxic substances from entering our body and affect our well being. Pollution, Packaged foods, caffeine, smoking, drinking etc over a period of time can impair our immune function and affect our health. If our body mechanism is not detoxifying on its own then we should take steps to detoxify by therapies like juice fasting and detoxification diets. Some of the Advantages or Benefits of Body Cleansing Detoxification are given below.
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How can Body Cleansing Detoxification help in maintaining good health?

Some of the Advantages or Benefits of Body Cleansing Detoxification are given below.

  • It Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves Digestion
  • Eliminates tissue damaging free radicals
  • Reduces your chance of cancer and other sicknesses
  • Reduces congestion
  • Purifies your blood
  • Helps to Overcome bad habits like eating re-processed food, sugar, caffeine and drinking alcohol

You may check out Detoxify or Die by M D Sherry A Rogers for more information on Body Cleansing Detoxification. This Book talks about how the accumulated toxins in the human body are behind nearly every disease, symptom, injury and malfunction of the body. In this Book, Dr Rogers also gives ways to reverse and even cure the most hopeless diseases.

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Just wish they would stop poisoning everything so we can catch up.