Importance of Surgery | Types, Ideas & Knowledge

in health •  8 years ago 

Once upon a time cosmetic surgery seemed limited to face lifts and nose jobs. But with time, other procedures were developed and now it is possible to change the appearance to almost any facial or body part. To give you an idea of what exists, I offer the following brief overview of today’s most popular procedures. For more extensive information, contact your doctor, visit your local library or book shop, or long on to the internet and research the topic.

Lifts and tucks

Gravity, age, and weight gain cause some areas of the face and body to sag. Surgery can counter this by training away excess skin. Below are the most popular “lift and tucks” operation available:

  • Face-lift: as we age, the effects of gravity, exposure to the sun, smoking and even genetics can change the way our faces look. Deep creases may form between the nose and mouth, our jaw lines can grew slack and our cheeks lose the definition they had when we were young.
  • A face-lift, known medically as rhytidectomy, can help improve the visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles and pulling up or red raping the skin of your face and neck.
  • Eye-lift: are you unhappy with sagging skin around medically as blepharoplasty. It was designed to correct drooping look older and more tired than you perhaps actually are. This is done by removing fat, excess skin, and muscles from the upper or lowery eyelids. An eye lift can be done alone, or in conjunction with other facial surgery procedures.
  • Tummy tucks: abdominoplasty is major surgery designed to reduce a protruding abdomen by removing excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and tightening the muscles of abdominal wall. However, it can’t always produce the results you hope for and you should be realistic in your expectations.

While before and photographs can give you an idea of a surgeon’s work, they can’t show you how your surgery will turn out. That’s because every individual responds differently to surgery.

Breast lift: if your breasts are average-sized or large, you may notice that they aren’t as firm as they once were. That’s because pregnancy, nursing and force of gravity can all cause breast to sag. If this brothers you, a breast lift – known medically as a mastopexy – can raise and reshape sagging breast, as well as reduce the size of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. Breast lifts are often done in conjunction with breast implants or breast reduction.

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