The Kombucha Upgrade | How To Make Healthier KombuchasteemCreated with Sketch.

in health •  8 years ago 

Kombucha is a delicious drink that is only recently becoming popular in the West, though it has thousands of history as a healthy beverage. It's a fermented drink that boosts your health with every sip. It can be fairly expensive if bought in the stores though. I've heard some manufacturers now produce it so that it doesn't continue to ferment after being bottled, which means that you can't use it as a starter to make your own kombucha at home. Supposedly they do this to prevent it from becoming alcoholic, but it's suspiciously convenient for them and looks like they may just be protecting their profits.

There are a lot of great blog posts and videos online showing you how to make kombucha. Instead of making a plain instructional video and post, I'm going to focus on how to make it even better by giving you a few tips you probably won't hear anywhere else.

How To Make Homemade Kombucha

You will need:


Basically just make a big batch of sweet tea (caffeinated). The key is to make it taste like you'd like it if you were drinking it as a tea. Then allow the tea to cool. Add the cooled tea to your kombucha starter with a scoby. It's best to start with a little kombucha and a scoby, without adding too much tea for the first batch.

Depending on the temperature where the kombucha sits as it ferments, allow it to sit for about a week or two. Then bottle it up and add a little fruit juice to it as an additional sugar-source for the secondary fermentation, and for extra flavor. I like to use apple juice or starfruit juice.

3 Ways To Upgrade The Kombucha

  1. Use Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops
  2. Don't heat the water over 170° for tea (you will need a Thermometer)
  3. Use high quality water. It's the #1 ingredient! I recommend MiraculeWater.

How To Make An Ormus Kombucha Aloe Drink

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Is this your specialty? Health? I'm curious what you're favorite thing to talk about is :) You seem to enjoy teaching, and that could be good for JPtv :) Just doing some research on you for our potential interview!

Yes, I would say health is where most of my focus is. One of the biggest reasons why is because it's something we all have some control over. We all eat. And we feed ourselves. So it makes sense to focus on something that people CAN change, instead of focusing on issues that they can't change.

I like to let mine go for about 2weeks I like mine to have more of the vinegar tast. Then for the second fermatation I like adding apple cider or cranberry simply sourp
