"The Remedy" by Tony Pantalleresco (2019-Feb-07)
Original upload by Tony Pantalleresco (2019-Feb-07) https://independz.podbean.com
This link will take you always to the latest upload. Scroll the history for older. For the podcast of Feb 7th, 2019, click the video above.
Hollywood propagates propositions for people to change the way of eating and go vegan... This is an insult to mankind, especially to persons who believe in Deity.
An excellent example of real ORGANIC... Links with the grow up and the success of this set up in Nebraska and use the earth in ways to make it amazingly grow real things--non nano.
Nebraska retiree uses earths' heat to grow oranges in snow
If we have this going on, we will have 50-60% of the healing that is required to heal us from the damage of the nano that we have been exposed to.
A participant in the chat room also shared the following documentary:
Green Citadels. Explore eco-friendly earthships with sustainability pioneers
Vegans - Veganism
Vegans and there stupidity and the facts on there idea of nutrition and nutritional content, which is totally way over rated and over hyped and is no where near the nutritional value of what they think.
Veganism (Part 1)
Veganism (Part 2)
Vegans would have to consume voluminous amounts to get what they think they are getting in the small amounts. In order to get an adequate amount of any vitamins that they will need for life, they will have to eat, basically 50-100 pounds (22.7 - 45.6 kilos) of every specific vegetable that are talking about, in order to get a nutritional value in today's date and time.
Vegans use the example "look the cows and how they are slaughtered".
Yes, this is a fact, the cows, (and the other eatable animals), are slaughtered, but look how your way is slaughtering the planet. look how vegans are part of the problem. The biggest part of the problem because every time we need to grow more soy for vegans to consume, which causes all kind of brain damages.
They look nice in the begging due to the cleansing effect, but after a year or so, they are looking much older than their actual age. Even the mental capacity is reduced.
The eaters of soy, tofu and other soy based food or soy protein powders, do not realize that, (beside get loaded with nano), this is striping out of their body zinc, B12, taurine does not exist in plants, the copper and the boron is gone.
What the vegans do not get in this is Taurine where if it is lacking then you have epilepsy and memory loss
zinc -copper b12 - boron are all brain required minerals lack of vitamin A
There is no really organic, if the plants are growing outdoors.
They spay nano silver and nano silica on the organic cultivations...plus chemtrails falling out from the skies and these are are going in the DNA of the plant. There is no way to wash it out.
Tony shows how to juice and then filter out nano from the food.
Removing Nano From Your Food
The goofy saying of not getting pregnant due to overly alkalized and immune boost which is not at all accurate would be due to anti nutrients and deficits that the body cannot sustain life and as a result you can have a spontaneous abortion.
Believing in philosophies from the genetical engineering companies.
Link showing monsanto and vegans eating the GMO BS
Seeing vegan animals eating MEAT!!
Using there line of thinking in regard to grasses and cows an frequencies then eating eats will be at a higher level
Animals have the capacity to breakdown the row grass they it. Mankind does not break down and extract the nutritions at the same level as the animals.
Cellulase (enzyme) we don't have it and cannot as a result brake down fibers. It comes only from vegetables that are row. And some vegetables can not consumed raw.
The fibers and arsenics and plant poisons destroys the guts and digestive system and loads up with the candidas and other health deficiencies due to the diet
Historically the food always was processed. Boiled- steamed - fermented - etc.
By processing this way, it is safer. We may loose some properties but gain other benefits.
Example, all berries, carrots, tomatos and other vegetables that have ..ene at the end, like carotene, lycopene etc, when you heat them up,
The estrogenic effect of the males and the anti nutrient of the brain requirements
Then the NANO over load and the genetics causes the mutations and code changes in the vegans
Articles about Nanotoxicity http://bit.ly/2E310i7
We are living in a demonic environment where everything are based on a lie.
Even for health, 99.9% of what we have been told, are BS.
We are not getting old but we are broken down.
Every seven years we are regenerating our cells. The body is broken down as it tries to repair its damages.
Nose-to-brain transport of aerosolised quantum dots following acute exposure. http://bit.ly/2THdOA8
Kidney Stones Removal with Citric Acid in water and drink it throughout the day
Any Sulfur salt, like EPSOM, will help removing nano out of the body.
Also garlic with MSM
Tony's White Russian formula.
Listen to the show. Formula starts around min 41
Tony's Steak Sauce
Listen to the show
If you have digestion problems with diary, add some enzymes or alcohol and stop eating any form of grains (bread, pasta, rice etc). But use non pasteurized milk, raw milk. Exception the yogurt and the kefir because they add the cultures after the pasteurization.
High fat contain of the milk will break faster and will become easier to digest with the alcohol. Maybe 2 teaspoons of alcohol in a glass of milk.
Diary actually heals the guts.
TME Chatroom comments.
There are fantastic comments and support in "the micro effect" chatroom.
Login to get the history, http://themicroeffect.com/chat/
Following are the comments in the chatroom during the show. Most of the provided links are included in the notes above. For all the links visit the micro effect dot com:
[2019-02-07 23:59:19] Jude: Hey!
[2019-02-08 00:00:20] independz: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubm...
[2019-02-08 00:00:27] StarFire: Hi all
[2019-02-08 00:00:54] Monkey_Breath: Hello enlightened friends!
[2019-02-08 00:01:07] independz: scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn....
[2019-02-08 00:01:21] independz: www.youtube.com/watch?v=o...
[2019-02-08 00:01:35] independz: www.youtube.com/watch?v=L...
[2019-02-08 00:01:55] Jude: Lol that’s a funny meme
[2019-02-08 00:01:58] Fiona T: hello folks
[2019-02-08 00:02:01] independz: www.academia.edu/people/s...✓&q=nanotoxicity
[2019-02-08 00:02:33] Jude: They want to use the vegan diet to sterilize and kill off everyone
[2019-02-08 00:03:47] StarFire: hiya fiona jude MB
[2019-02-08 00:04:02] jtf: Hello Tony and everyone!
[2019-02-08 00:04:15] Billy29: Hi Everybody
[2019-02-08 00:04:15] robberts: why are their teeth bad.. what is it they lack
[2019-02-08 00:04:23] independz: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q...
[2019-02-08 00:04:27] Jude: Hey Starfire!
[2019-02-08 00:04:53] Peter: thermos greenhouse
[2019-02-08 00:05:50] Fiona T: that's awesome
[2019-02-08 00:06:27] StarFire: A and D not in plants i guess for teeth?
[2019-02-08 00:07:21] jtf: I visited earth ship - many decades ago - think it was in Arizona. cool
[2019-02-08 00:07:21] StarFire: Tony, those vegan vids are scary
[2019-02-08 00:07:27] Monkey_Breath: i wonder how long it took for those trees to grow in that environment
[2019-02-08 00:08:16] jtf: teeth - I am listening - also cataracts due for surgery … but I am allergic to the lens materials (confirmed) so …… what to do tht makes sense.
[2019-02-08 00:08:47] robberts: he has tree 24 years old same age of green house
[2019-02-08 00:09:35] Monkey_Breath: i must have missed that info..ty rob
[2019-02-08 00:09:42] Rick Bonner: It's not nutritionally-based, or.., that we got anything against killing, we just want to kill fewer or less furry or slippery animals.
[2019-02-08 00:09:53] Peter: your so kind again
[2019-02-08 00:11:14] StarFire: but i like explosions in me brain
[2019-02-08 00:11:31] Peter: nano loaded
[2019-02-08 00:12:47] Peter: 10 dollars hand held scope everything is loaded
[2019-02-08 00:12:58] StarFire: when will i get tonys energy?
[2019-02-08 00:13:19] jtf: Loaded is … an understatement - looks more like integrated.... ahhh!
[2019-02-08 00:13:48] Peter: yes
[2019-02-08 00:14:13] StarFire: hahaha Duh
[2019-02-08 00:14:47] Rick Bonner: You gotta do like Tony does, Starman; remember? Tony often says: "... if you think so and so, you gotta get ME some o' what you're smokin"!
[2019-02-08 00:14:48] robberts: iodine starfire
[2019-02-08 00:15:33] Peter: i see these people every day
[2019-02-08 00:15:37] Shannon: a lot of vegans are turning to full on carnivores- no veggies... and eating all the organs, but the organs have a lot of nano.
[2019-02-08 00:15:44] StarFire: im tryin
[2019-02-08 00:16:15] Peter: lab grown meat
[2019-02-08 00:16:21] Fiona T: I know a vegan who is afraid of eating any kind of oil or fat. Will often just eat a squash for a meal thinking that she is getting 'whole foods' from the earth
[2019-02-08 00:16:56] Fiona T: she won't eat salt either. I used to buy into the fat and salt 'badness' too.
[2019-02-08 00:17:17] Shannon: exactly Fiona...that is my brother right now, he's still vegan.
[2019-02-08 00:17:18] StarFire: we all have been fooled on how and what to eat
[2019-02-08 00:17:34] Rick Bonner: I gotta confess, Shannon; I often do the 'doctor Jekyl, Ricky Hyde' thing, but you'll NEVER see my fryin' up a kidney, British style. 😅
[2019-02-08 00:17:43] Shannon: vegans are programmed and only listen to vegan doctors.
[2019-02-08 00:17:46] Fiona T: it's hard to get people to change their minds, too
[2019-02-08 00:18:05] Peter: fiona sounds like that lady is gone
[2019-02-08 00:18:13] StarFire: I only eat vegan animals
[2019-02-08 00:18:27] StarFire: so im a vegan
[2019-02-08 00:18:45] Shannon: haha. i was eating raw liver. a lot of ex-vegans are going either cooked or raw carnivore.
[2019-02-08 00:18:56] sqirl: International communitarian law, carbon fee, no babies ever, open boarders, no nations- one religion, and then we'll have world peace-
[2019-02-08 00:19:49] Jude: I think raw carnivore people are nuts
[2019-02-08 00:20:04] sqirl: Anyone seeTrumps show? The Pelosi white robes- so darn wierd
[2019-02-08 00:20:06] Fiona T: oh shit, I just ate some sprout!
[2019-02-08 00:20:18] Rick Bonner: Some food for thought, though, Tony: before Noah landed that boat, no body but lucy-fairy-ans ever ate cheesburgers. Or ribs. Or shrimp egg foo young.
[2019-02-08 00:20:20] Jude: It’s all a big ruse brought to you by the UN
[2019-02-08 00:20:29] sqirl: arsenicked
[2019-02-08 00:21:03] Jude: They are also saying that they are trying to make everyone move to a city
[2019-02-08 00:21:12] Jude: Not sure if that’s true
[2019-02-08 00:21:13] StarFire: low amount of poison is good for you
[2019-02-08 00:21:31] Fiona T: right! " />
[2019-02-08 00:21:32] Cecil: no poison is better
[2019-02-08 00:21:41] Shannon: the fallacy is that we're not living in the primal days anymore w/ the chemtrails/nano. A lot of them are following Sally Fallon books w/ fermented veggies and grains....and Weston A. Price diets
[2019-02-08 00:22:12] sqirl: Tony, medicinal mushrooms like reishi, shitake, or chaga-all a fungi- how do you think the mushroom world respond to the nano?
[2019-02-08 00:22:17] Fiona T: Jude, I'd say yes. Keep everyone tightly knit together, dependent on the society around them (i.e. likely not growing their own food), easier to control that way
[2019-02-08 00:22:40] Cecil: mushroom good for the ears
[2019-02-08 00:22:49] Jude: I think they are doing this by raising property taxes
[2019-02-08 00:22:51] StarFire: not all but most mushrooms are grown indoors
[2019-02-08 00:24:13] StarFire: i want to start growin mushrooms indoors
[2019-02-08 00:24:30] StarFire: lions main would be cool to grow
[2019-02-08 00:24:31] Peter: paul stamits indoor grown
[2019-02-08 00:24:48] Monkey_Breath: how would we know where the mushrooms are grown if purchased from grocery stores?
[2019-02-08 00:24:48] StarFire: yes peter
[2019-02-08 00:25:00] sqirl: The farm raised Fungi Perfecti company farms indoors.
[2019-02-08 00:25:04] Rick Bonner: Starman. Jes' watch out fer them 'shrooms what grow on the cow pattys!
[2019-02-08 00:25:14] Cecil: hot and humid place in the shade
[2019-02-08 00:25:15] sqirl: Paul Stamitz company.
[2019-02-08 00:25:18] Shannon: I wonder if foursigmatic mushroom powders they sell are grown indoors
[2019-02-08 00:25:22] StarFire: cool sqirl
[2019-02-08 00:25:22] Fiona T: Have to ask the manager, MB. Then contact the supplier
[2019-02-08 00:25:37] sqirl: I'm trying Chaga
[2019-02-08 00:25:47] StarFire: hahaha fer sure Rick
[2019-02-08 00:26:05] Monkey_Breath: sounds like a plan Fiona. Ty
[2019-02-08 00:26:31] Peter: host defence
[2019-02-08 00:26:34] Fiona T: NP... it's extra time and energy but worth it
[2019-02-08 00:26:46] Cecil: yep
[2019-02-08 00:27:16] Fiona T: Tony, what's a good source of those types of seeds?
[2019-02-08 00:28:01] jtf: growing food video - is that the earth ship? or another video ? thanks
[2019-02-08 00:28:24] sqirl: Fiona, good question. seeds for sale are coming from companies outside grown
[2019-02-08 00:28:33] jtf: Don't bees have nano poisoning that is killig them? altzheimers
[2019-02-08 00:28:49] sqirl: I LIKE uprising seed co in Bellingham, WA
[2019-02-08 00:28:50] Fiona T: How do you spell that: Rickter?
[2019-02-08 00:28:55] Fiona T: ok, thnx
[2019-02-08 00:29:20] sqirl: SEeds should be from your growing zone Fiona
[2019-02-08 00:29:39] Jude: Tony what is the best source of vitamin A to take for an adult male and what dosage would you recommend?
[2019-02-08 00:29:43] independz: depends if they have been kept indoor to process just green house then no but if they are released int the environment then yesthey will have the exposure and may even spread
[2019-02-08 00:29:44] robberts: maple syrup less polluted?
[2019-02-08 00:29:46] StarFire: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q... ,Green Citadels. Explore eco-friendly earthships with sustainability pioneers
[2019-02-08 00:30:08] sqirl: Or not be viable
[2019-02-08 00:30:10] Arugula: sqrl, Hi, what was Tony talking about?
[2019-02-08 00:30:14] independz: retinol palmitate --10.000iu-30,000IU a day
[2019-02-08 00:30:24] sqirl: seeds
[2019-02-08 00:30:27] independz: condense milk in a can maybe he best source
[2019-02-08 00:30:41] Jude: Should it be paired with any other vitamin?
[2019-02-08 00:30:58] Arugula: sqrl what about seeds?
[2019-02-08 00:31:02] independz: put into fat
[2019-02-08 00:31:06] independz: like cq 10
[2019-02-08 00:31:09] sheila brown: www.youtube.com/watch?v=p... check out 30:14 Tony is mentioned
[2019-02-08 00:31:29] independz: can be used with other vitamins lik B5 and C and selenium and E
[2019-02-08 00:31:34] Jude: Ok thank you!
[2019-02-08 00:31:50] Fiona T: cool
[2019-02-08 00:31:51] Jude: I saw cq 10 on pure bulk
[2019-02-08 00:32:06] sqirl: Seed saving alliance interview with Michael olsen link here metrofarm.com/assets/podc...
[2019-02-08 00:32:31] StarFire: There is some coQ10 that you kinda make a lipasom to use it
[2019-02-08 00:32:50] sqirl: Arugula, Fiona was looking for recommendations
[2019-02-08 00:33:27] Arugula: OH, ok. Thanks.
[2019-02-08 00:33:35] sqirl: My raised bed in my green house is frozen right now
[2019-02-08 00:33:35] Fiona T: sqirl, you have a blog/website, right?
[2019-02-08 00:33:53] Jude: Pure bulk says to mix the cq 10 with coconut oil
[2019-02-08 00:34:09] sqirl: a you tube channel fiona- nothing professional
[2019-02-08 00:34:24] StarFire: ahhh yeah jude. i will buy that next soon..
[2019-02-08 00:34:40] Fiona T: what's your channel?
[2019-02-08 00:35:13] StarFire: hahaha
[2019-02-08 00:35:21] StarFire: whats your sign
[2019-02-08 00:35:40] Monkey_Breath: Most people are stupid
[2019-02-08 00:35:48] sqirl: Sqirl channel- outdoor diy- farming logging and using machinery
[2019-02-08 00:35:55] StarFire: im too dumb to be stupid
[2019-02-08 00:36:09] sqirl: I'll go get the link fiona
[2019-02-08 00:36:12] Peter: your open to frequency bombardment on a vegan diet
[2019-02-08 00:36:21] Fiona T: haha
[2019-02-08 00:36:30] Fiona T: thnx
[2019-02-08 00:36:31] Monkey_Breath: LOL starfire
[2019-02-08 00:36:47] StarFire:
[2019-02-08 00:36:57] Cecil: there is a frequency that can repel nano
[2019-02-08 00:37:24] Cecil: rictor
[2019-02-08 00:37:37] Monkey_Breath: because we are being poisoned
[2019-02-08 00:37:43] StarFire: we should eat the rich... i never understood what that means
[2019-02-08 00:37:46] Cecil: or ricktor?
[2019-02-08 00:37:51] joy: LOVE YOU Tony, THANK YOU so much!!! MRSA is healing well with the Lemongrass + DMSO. Day 2 added coconut & Simpson Oil, as it was so painful with straight Lemongrass + DMSO. Way less painful today & terrific shrinkage!
[2019-02-08 00:38:15] sqirl: Fiona, mixed bag of poorly recorded actions- enjoy www.youtube.com/channel/U...
[2019-02-08 00:38:41] StarFire: goood going joy
[2019-02-08 00:39:00] Fiona T: Cecil, is it like magnetic frequencies, like the triangle?
[2019-02-08 00:39:18] sqirl: Joy, Dmso is good to take internally for pain?
[2019-02-08 00:39:26] Fiona T: thanks Sqirl
[2019-02-08 00:39:31] joy: thanks StarFire, thanks to Tony!!!
[2019-02-08 00:39:34] StarFire: i have boogers
[2019-02-08 00:39:35] Peter: tony how to get rid of kidney stones
[2019-02-08 00:39:41] Shannon: yay joy!
[2019-02-08 00:39:46] Fiona T: I have noticed this, Tony... yuck! I thought it was just me
[2019-02-08 00:40:01] StarFire: Peter..... citric acid
[2019-02-08 00:40:13] sqirl: sure. The most popular is mobility scooter pulls cedar limbs home
[2019-02-08 00:40:15] joy: thanks Shannon!
[2019-02-08 00:40:30] Peter: thought so thanks
[2019-02-08 00:40:36] Fiona T: haha
[2019-02-08 00:41:11] StarFire: peter... 3oz water with 1/4 teaspoon citric acid.. or drink lots of lemonaide
[2019-02-08 00:41:32] StarFire: distilled water
[2019-02-08 00:41:42] Arugula: Tony what kind of sulfate for nano?
[2019-02-08 00:43:10] Fiona T: How about nano in the teeth? Would your teeth regeneration remedy help with that?
[2019-02-08 00:43:35] Shannon: it will Fiona. I use it twice a day
[2019-02-08 00:44:13] Fiona T: awesome, thanks Shannon
[2019-02-08 00:44:14] StarFire: Tony, you got formula for steak sauce?????
[2019-02-08 00:45:12] Cecil: im not sure fi
[2019-02-08 00:45:23] Shannon: np! fiona
[2019-02-08 00:45:31] Shannon: anyone else have a hard time digesting dairy?
[2019-02-08 00:46:20] Fiona T: yes
[2019-02-08 00:46:40] Shannon: digestive lactose/casein enzymes help a bit. must be the leaky gut
[2019-02-08 00:47:00] Arugula: Shannon, my daughter and I digesting dairy.
[2019-02-08 00:47:27] StarFire: nice
[2019-02-08 00:47:45] StarFire: sweet
[2019-02-08 00:48:41] Fiona T: I seem to tolerate goat dairy more easily. Maybe try that Shannon
[2019-02-08 00:49:09] Shannon: Are you doing raw milk, Arugula? I have been only able to tolerate raw fermented yogurt. I made 24 hour yogurt.
[2019-02-08 00:49:20] StarFire: i would think you still have a gut issue you need to heal if dairy intolorant
[2019-02-08 00:49:49] StarFire: Yeah, i want to get and make Amaretto sour drink
[2019-02-08 00:50:02] sheila brown: anyone having trouble eating potatoes
[2019-02-08 00:50:48] Shannon: thanks Fiona! I would like to make raw goat yogurt. For some reason I can't tolerate straight raw milk, yet.
[2019-02-08 00:50:48] StarFire: i have sweet potato atleast 2 or 3 times a week.. no probs
[2019-02-08 00:51:04] Arugula: Shannon, some cheeses bother me, in the US I have problem with dairy but not overseas.
[2019-02-08 00:51:14] StarFire: i heard bay leaf can get you high
[2019-02-08 00:51:28] Shannon: you're right StarFire. I still have leaky gut/SIBO
[2019-02-08 00:51:45] sheila brown: ty Tony!
[2019-02-08 00:52:22] StarFire: i seen a youtube on bay leaf high.. and they said it was from the bible too
[2019-02-08 00:52:31] Arugula: StarFire I grow bayleaf , never got me high.
[2019-02-08 00:52:40] StarFire: i believe everything i see on the net ;)
[2019-02-08 00:52:57] Shannon: Arugula have you tried the Organic Pastures raw dairy products? Yeah I cannot tolerate pasteurized foods at all, although I use pasteruized yogurt as a starter and mix into raw milk
[2019-02-08 00:53:19] StarFire: They said you would take about 6 leafs and put in mouth and chew not swallow them for 20 minutes
[2019-02-08 00:53:24] Cecil: the truth looks just as bizzarre as the lies doo.
[2019-02-08 00:53:34] StarFire: could just help with pain in bay leaf so you feel better/high
[2019-02-08 00:54:29] StarFire: when will opra become vegan?/
[2019-02-08 00:54:48] Arugula: Shannon, where do you buy Organic Pastures dairy products?
[2019-02-08 00:55:33] Peter: argula in cali
[2019-02-08 00:55:35] StarFire: my rock band in called, Vegans in rockets
[2019-02-08 00:55:50] Shannon: I've found them at Sprouts but it's only in Cali I think.
[2019-02-08 00:56:22] sqirl: Arugula does bayleaf drop her leafs in the winter. I have a little one in the greenhouse who struggling
[2019-02-08 00:56:52] Shannon: Peter have you tried UdderlyLA? I want to try some day
[2019-02-08 00:56:57] StarFire: they say to burn bay leaf also, like incense
[2019-02-08 00:56:58] Arugula: I might be in San Diego soon, I will get it there. Thanks.
[2019-02-08 00:57:12] StarFire: Thanks tony
[2019-02-08 00:57:14] Fiona T: drowned out by the music... thanks Tony!
[2019-02-08 00:57:15] StarFire: great show
[2019-02-08 00:57:19] sqirl: Tony is clove oil good for ecoli?
[2019-02-08 00:57:21] Peter: alan yegerlehner raw milk ,butter ect
[2019-02-08 00:57:34] Monkey_Breath: Thank you Tony for all you do!
[2019-02-08 00:57:43] knapstersky: take'r easy everybody Thanks Tony!
[2019-02-08 00:57:44] Shannon: sounds good Arugula, maybe try calling ahead to see. Sprouts I've seen here also carry raw goat milk
[2019-02-08 00:57:52] joy: THANKS so much Tony!!!
[2019-02-08 00:57:55] Shannon: Thanks Tony!
[2019-02-08 00:57:56] Billy29: Another Excellent show Tony thank you
[2019-02-08 00:58:19] robberts: ty tony your quite the cook great ideas .... publish a cook book
[2019-02-08 00:58:25] independz: thanks for tuning in
[2019-02-08 00:58:34] StarFire: i need recipes to use milk with.. saw one for coconut pancakes with milk added
[2019-02-08 00:58:35] Arugula: Thank you TONY
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Nano-poisoning resources:
's Mainstream Nano Docs: https://plus.google.com/collection/ULVqTE
Tony's resource directory by s'mo http://bit.ly/2B0WlLR
Tony's catalog and inventory http://bit.ly/2RbzWR9
Tony's database http://bit.ly/2HwfUkO
HerbsPlusBeadWorks' remedies in YT http://bit.ly/2MwNUMx
i) Suzanne Maher's https://ByeByeBlueSky.com/
ii) https://www.GagCanada.com/#
Protocols for colon health http://bit.ly/2CHl0VO
Contact details for consultation: independz at yahoo dot com
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