The Destruction Of The Masculine And The Dominance Of The Feminine

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

Doesn’t it seem like everyone over the past couple decades has been becoming more passive, withdrawn, and internally focused? I know I’ve noticed it. It’s likely the result of the increased use of medications, habitual drug and alcohol use, poor diets, financial and material stress, computer and cellphone usage, as well as fear-based media, just to name a few. But why are all these things leading to the same passive energy? I believe what we’re observing is the destruction of the masculine.

Whether you’re male or female, we all have both masculine and feminine qualities within us. These are broad terms describing the outwardly focused and active aspect of ourselves – our masculine side; and the inwardly focused and receptive aspect – our feminine side. So what is happening to our masculine energy? Why is it so passive? Put simply, it’s being suppressed. Likely from the causes mentioned above.

Two things seem to occur when masculine energy is suppressed. One is that it attempts to break free, usually through some extreme or imbalanced expression; and the second is that the feminine energy steps in to assume the roles the masculine would have otherwise assumed had it not been suppressed.

We can see the masculine suppression through the increased inadvertent anger, narcissism, frustration, rebellion, and dominance brewing under the surface individually and collectively. Through occasional bursts, the masculine energy attempts to express itself when pushed into a corner, or a risk-free opportunity to express itself arises.

The assuming of masculine roles by the feminine is more consistent. This is the frequent passivity, hiding away, avoiding action and initiative, lacking outer conscious awareness, and not regularly expressing ourselves that we notice. We notice it at times when the masculine should be expressed, but isn’t. These are not roles natural to the feminine side and so aren’t the healthy expressions of it.

It’s important to note that what we have today is not the rise of the feminine, but instead the feminine taking the role of the masculine. Many modern day feminists are a great example of this, where they don’t want women to be women, but more like men.

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So what is the balanced and healthy expression of the masculine and feminine?

The masculine is naturally active and initiating, conscious of the outer environment, expressive when self-expression is needed, standing up for what is right and just, and everything else that is about engaging with the outer world through outer conscious awareness.

The feminine is naturally receptive and protective, holding down the fort, rooted in feeling and intuition, grounded and stable, taking care of things, caring and nurturing, spiritually attuned, as well as everything that is about engaging with the inner world through inner conscious awareness.

The key is balancing both the masculine and feminine qualities within us. Allowing each to assume the role it’s best suited for, when it’s suited for it. As for society, men are naturally better at assuming more masculine roles, and women feminine. This balance will likely be restored once the balance is restored individually.

If you personally find that your masculine side is repressed, try and do more masculine things. Men are typically the ones suffering from this the most today. Spend more time with men, get fit, and reexamine your relationship with your father. There is a great book I recommend for men suffering from this called No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert A. Glovers.

If you personally find your feminine side is repressed, try and do more feminine things. From what I’ve noticed many women today are so caught up in masculine roles they’ve lost touch with their feminine nature. Spend time with women, get in touch with your feelings, and reexamine your relationship with your mother. Unfortunately, I don’t have a book I can recommend here since I personally suffered more from masculine repression, however, a search online should yield some good results.

All in all, we have to fix this imbalance personally and collectively. A great start for all of us is eliminating excessive medication and drug use, eating healthy and nutritious foods, getting more active, spending more time outdoors, getting involved with our community, and spending less time in front of screens. Something needs to change and it starts individually.

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Interesting perspective, although I think the opposite. I think it's the feminine that is continuing to be repressed, same as it has been since our fall in consciousness. We are a masculine-dominant society, even women have more masculine energy than feminine. I think when the true nature of the Divine Feminine is restored we will experience a shift. Right now the masculine is so distorted and strong that it is distorting the feminine as well. While the collective masculine is definitely distorted, it's no where near repressed.

Yeah I totally agree we are in a masculine-dominant society. However, I don't see the cause of the problem as the repression of the feminine (although that is certainly going on).

The problem imo is that the masculine has been repressed heavily over the past fifty to a hundred years, which has caused an imbalance in the masculine energy to seek the extreme I was talking about in the article. That's why we're seeing the negative manifestations of the masculine through war, dominance, patriarchy, etc.

The solution is not the rise of the feminine (other than that by women getting more in touch with their feminine side they can certainly help the masculine). Fundamentally what we need is the restoration of health to the masculine, that's what's sick.