A very quick glance on one of the most dreadful disease with high populace of it's victims ever recorded in the history of the world.

in health •  7 years ago 

Filaria this are parasitic disease cause by an infection with round worm, they are spread through blood feeding black flies and mosquitoes.. this disease belongs to the group called helminthasis... This nematodes use human as their definitive host.. individual effected by filaria, and are describe as either  microfilariaemic or amicrofilariaemic.

Symptoms of filaria

Swelling or swollen lymph node... 

they can cause also Elephantiasis, this result when the parasite lodge in the lymphatic system. 

e image shown below are victims suffering from Elephantasis ![Screenshot_2018-02-19-00-26-08-1.png]()

This diseases are spread around the world most especially in Central African, Central American and also in tropical region like Asia, southern China and Pacific island. With a record of over 120 millions of people affected.


Test of the very dreadful disease can be perform with blood collected during the day or night..


Steps to prevent this disease 

1 keeping the environment clean 

2 sleeping under a mosquito net..

3. Wearing a long sleeves and trousers..


This disease is manage instead of treated through the following drugs which include

1 Diethylarbamazine 

2 Albendazole

3 Invermectin

Do stay safe every one

And as well Note..

Prevention is better than Cure.

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