Quick Wellness

in health •  2 years ago 

Assessing Your Fitness Level
Brad King and Dr. Michael Schmidt in “Bio Age, Ten Steps to a
Younger You” have devised a questionnaire for assessing physical
damage to a body as a result of no exercise. We will borrow some
of their guidelines:
Start with the question, “How do I look?” Do any of these answers
apply to you?
➢ Am I overweight? Do I look like an apple or pear?
Do I have a spare tire?
Has my skin become excessively dry, almost paper-thin?
Next, ask: “How do I feel?”
➢ Do my joints hurt before or after any physical exertion?
Am I constantly worried and anxious?
Do I feel tired and sluggish most of the time?
Do I suffer from mood swings?
Last question, “How am I doing?”
Is walking and climbing stairs difficult?
➢ Do I have problems concentrating?
Is running impossible for me now? Am I unable to sit straight,
preferring to slouch or stoop my shoulders?
You’ve completed your basic assessment. Note, however, that other
exercise or fitness gurus will have their own parameters or indices
for assessing your body’s overall state.

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