27 Daftar Makerel Bercacing, Ada Merek ABC dan Maya
03-29 | 13:57 Viva
VIVA – Setelah heboh ditemukannya cacing dalam produk makanan ikan kalengan, akhirnya BPOM merilis 27 merek mengakui 27 merek ikan makerel kaleng mengandung cacing.
Kepala Badan POM Penny Lukito menyebut ke-27 merek itu mayoritas adalah produk impor.
Setelah Riau, Kini Ditemukan Cacing di 9 Merek Makarel Kaleng di Jakarta, Berikut Daftarnya
"Awalnya kami menemukan dari 3 merek ikan makerel kaleng. Lalu kami kembangkan, di mana dari 66 merek ikan makerel kaleng, dengan 541 sampel ikan, 27 mereknya positif mengandung cacing yakni 16 merek dari impor dan 11 merek dari negeri sendiri," ujar Penny, kepada VIVA, Kamis, 29 Maret 2018, di Gedung BPOM RI, Jakarta.
Penny mengaku, merek dari produk impor tersebut didominasi dari negeri Cina dan sekitarnya.
Meski demikian, cukup mengejutkan bahwa dari 11 merek ikan makerel buatan Indonesia, beberapa di antaranya adalah produk yang cukup laris di pasaran salah satunya produk merek ABC, Maya, Botan, Gaga, dan Pronas.
27 Merk Sarden Ditarik, BPOM RI : Ikan Makarel Secara Natural Mengandung Parasit Cacing
Berdasarkan rilis BPOM, berikut daftar nama produk ikan makerel kaleng yang ditemukan mengandung cacing:
Produk Lokal
Merek ABC jenis saus ekstra pedas, dan saus cabai.
Merek BOTAN jenis saus tomat.
Merek CIP jenis saus tomat dan saus ekstra pedas.
Merek DR.FISH jenis saus tomat.
Merek FIESTA SEAFOOD jenis saus tomat, saus cabai, dan saus balado.
Merek GAGA jenis saus tomat dan cabe.
Merek KING’S FISHER jenis saus tomat.
Merek MAYA jenis saus tomat dan dua saus cabai.
Merek PESCA jenis saus tomat.
10.Merek PRONAS jenis saus pedas dan saus tomat.
11.Merek RANESA jenis saus tomat dan cabai.
Produk Impor
Merek ABT jenis saus tomat.
Merek AYAM BRAND jenis saus tomat, goreng, dan saus padang.
Merek DONGWON (produk impor) jenis larutan garam.
Merek FARMERJACK jenis saus tomat.
Merek HOKI jenis saus tomat.
Merek HOSEN jenis saus tomat.
Merek IO jenis saus tomat.
Merek JOJO jenis dalam saus tomat.
Merek LSC jenis saus tomat.
Merek NAGO/NAGOS jenis saus tomat.
Merek NARAYA jenis saus tomat.
Merek POH SUNG jenis saus tomat.
Merek S&W jenis larutan garam.
Merek SEMPO jenis original dan larutan garam.
Merek TLC jenis saus tomat.
Merek TSC jenis saus tomat.
Tindak lanjut yang diberikan BPOM, yakni menghentikan sementara produk-produk ikan makerel kaleng tersebut. Penny Lukito menyebut bahan baku ikan makerel berasal dari laut Cina meski merek tersebut diproduksi dalam negeri. Selain itu, memang ada momen tertentu di mana ikan makerel sedang banyak di perairan dan menjadi inang parasit cacing.
"Ada periode di mana ikan makarel banyak menjadi inang cacing. Makanya, kami hentikan sementara dulu karena kita belum mengetahui periode pastinya, masih mau ditelusuri," kata Penny.
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27 List of Makerel Bercacing, There are ABC and Maya Brands
03-29 | 13:57 Viva
VIVA - After the splash of the discovery of worms in canned fish food products, BPOM finally released 27 brands admitted 27 brands of fish container cans contain worms.
Head of POM Penny Lukito said the 27 brands are majority imported products.
After Riau, Now Found Worms in 9 Makarel Tin Cans in Jakarta, Here's the List
"Initially we found three brands of canned fish, and we developed, where from 66 brands of canned fish with 541 fish samples, 27 brands are positive for worms, 16 brands of imports and 11 brands from their own country," said Penny, to VIVA, Thursday, March 29, 2018, at BPOM RI Building, Jakarta.
Penny claims, the brand of imported products are dominated from China and surrounding areas.
However, it is surprising that of the 11 brands of Indonesian made-to-order fish, some of which are well-known products on the market, one of which is ABC, Maya, Botan, Gaga, and Pronas brands.
27 Sardine Brand Withdrawn, BPOM RI: Natural Mackerel Fish Contains Parasit Worm
Based on the release of BPOM, the following list of canine fish product names can be found containing worms:
Local Products
Brand ABC type extra spicy sauce, and chilli sauce.
Brand BOTAN type of tomato sauce.
Brand CIP type of tomato sauce and extra spicy sauce.
Brand DR.FISH type of tomato sauce.
Brand FIESTA SEAFOOD type of tomato sauce, chilli sauce, and balado sauce.
Brand GAGA type of tomato sauce and chili.
Brand KING'S FISHER type of tomato sauce.
MAYA brand type of tomato sauce and two chili sauce.
PESCA brand type of tomato sauce.
10.Brand PRONAS type of spicy sauce and tomato sauce.
11.Brand RANESA type of tomato and chilli sauce.
Imported Products
Brand ABT type tomato sauce.
Brand CHICKEN BRAND type of tomato sauce, fry, and padang sauce.
Brand DONGWON (imported product) type salt solution.
Brand FARMERJACK type of tomato sauce.
Brand HOKI type of tomato sauce.
Brand HOSEN type of tomato sauce.
Brand IO type of tomato sauce.
Brand JOJO type in tomato sauce.
Brand LSC type of tomato sauce.
Brand NAGO / NAGOS type of tomato sauce.
Brand NARAYA type of tomato sauce.
Brand POH SUNG type of tomato sauce.
S & W brand of salt solution type.
SEMPO brand of original type and salt solution.
TLC brand type of tomato sauce.
TSC brand type of tomato sauce.
Follow-up given by BPOM, which is to temporarily stop the canel fish products. Penny Lukito mentions the raw material of fish bekel from the Chinese sea even though the brand is produced domestically. In addition, there are certain moments in which the mackerel fish are in many waters and hosts the parasitic worm.
"There was a period in which many mackerel fishes became worm hosts, so we paused because we did not know the exact period yet," Penny said.
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