in health •  7 years ago  (edited)


Good day steemians,I woke up this morning and something ran through my mind,"Tips to living healthy"and I decided to share it to you all.

Have you ever wondered why some people always remain healthy?To be healthy or to stay healthy is a choice people made.If you do really care to stay healthy,then the tips below will guide you to living healthy;

LET GO:The things you keep in your mind matters alot,you have to let go of somethings that occupies your mind.Keeping anger,hurt and other ill feelings in ones mind is regarded as emotional junk food,which is very poisonous to our health.

TAKE TIME OFFLINE:The use of most modern technologies,especially cell phone,Internet and TV has really stolen the mind of people,which can affect our well being.We have to stay off line at some point to relax the brain and avoid being stressed up psychologically.

LEARNING:Learning new things could be a new language,creative writing,communication skill,a new recipe or tranning in a particular field.Learning new methods of doing things not known before refreshes your mind.

EAT HEALTHY FOOD:We have to cultivate the habit of eating food that are highly rich in nutrients to enhance a balanced diet.Try as much as possible to avoid carbonated drinks,fried food,canned food etc because they do not digest well and the indigestable particles remain in the kidney,intestine and other digestive system,instead take fresh food,fruits and vegetables to nourish the body well.

AVOID UNHEALTHY HABIT:For one to maintain a healthy living,there are some certain unhealthy habit that needs to be shed off,e.g smoking,addiction to caffeine,perpetually depriving yourself of sleep,wearing head phone for too long causes damage to the body system.Also carrying heavy load on your back causes back or neck pain and poor posture.

WATER INTAKE:There is a saying that "water is life". For you to maintain a healthy living lifestyle,you have to drink plenty of clean water which helps to flush out wastes from your body system.Water also regulate body temperature.It keeps you well hydrated and energetic,which relieves you of headache,anxiety,fatigue and looking healthy.It is advisable to take eight glasses of water a day.

HAVING ENOUGH REST AND SLEEP:It is dangerous to overwork yourself,but advisable to take enough rest whenever one is stressed up,also sleep at the appropriate time and have enough rest.

BODY EXERCISE:Another tip to living healthy is body exercise,you have to constantly exercise your body,exercise also boosts your brainpower.Exercise should be done nothing less than 30minutes per day.

Steemians I hope these tips listed above would guide us all to living healthy.

Image source:google

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