Why is your vision blurred?steemCreated with Sketch.

in health •  8 years ago 

You can not see objects well, you can badly distinguish between people (especially their faces), you're having trouble reading or you feel the letters move around on the computer screen or on the pages of a book, so it's a good time To see a specialist. In this article you will discover some facts about blurred vision, why it occurs and how it is treated.

Causes of blurred vision
This list will help you decide what the reason is for your blurred vision and what the most common symptoms are.

Building defect or myopia
The first reason is a disorder that shortens your close vision, and the other degrades how far you can see. In addition to blurred vision, the entire visual field is disturbed as well.

These are more common in people over 60 years and sometimes they are without symptoms. In other cases, they cause blurred vision of the cornea , blurred vision, photosensitivity, halo of light, double vision and progressive blurred vision.

One of many symptoms of imbalance in blood sugar levels may be blurry vision. You should be aware if you suffer from this disease as lack of care will result in far more serious vision problems, including blindness.

Grave's disease
Weight loss and increased appetite, increased heartbeat, high blood pressure , shaking and blurred vision are the most common symptoms of this disease that affect the thyroid gland.

Multiple sclerosis
This neurodegenerative disorder is often accompanied by multiple vision problems, including blurry vision. It can also lead to problems with bladder control, sensitivity changes, etc.

When the blood glucose level drops quickly, this can cause not only blurred vision but also other types of visual disturbances, confusion, double vision, cramps, loss of concentration, anxiety , palpitations and shaking.

When the head experiences too much pain due to a muscle or neurological problem, blurred vision is the most common symptom. Other signs are nausea, mild hypersensitivity, eye pain and vomiting. Migraines can have the same symptoms.

Hypertension and glaucoma
If we have hypertension or eye pressure (glaucoma), we may have trouble looking well. Additionally, both disorders generate additional problems such as fainting , total or partial loss of vision, tachycardia, etc.

How to avoid blurred vision
If you have experienced any of these symptoms often, it is very important that you take your doctor immediately. If you have only experienced the symptoms sporadically, be aware of the following advice:

Reduce stress
This will help you lower your blood pressure and nervousness. Therefore you will be more calm and you will look better. Hypertension is one of the worst enemies of your eyes as it is weighting them down. If you have an ocular tension, it is also good that you stress. Work to deteriorate your anger and anxiety so that these do not cause you additional problems.

Relax in the eyes
If you have worked long in front of a computer screen, your eyes may become tired and this can cause blurry vision. Sit down and close your eyes for a minute. Another option is to get up , place your index finger in front of your face, and zoom in or out slowly while your eyes still focus on your finger. Subsequently, do the same by moving your finger to the right and then to the left as it was the pendulum. You should only move your eyes to follow it, not your head.

Focus and stop focusing
Select an item and look at it, focus on it. Subsequently, try to stop focusing on the object and instead see what's around. One of the reasons why our vision becomes blurred is that we are not used to focus on one thing specifically because of the hundreds of stimuli we receive daily.

Keep track of your diet
You already know that water in the stomach is the best ally to keep your body hydrated, including your eyes. It can also help eliminate the waste materials that build up in your body and which can harm the liver , the body directly related to the eyes. If your vision is blurred or blurred, try to follow a low-fat diet and avoid deep-fried foods. Drink Boldo on a daily basis and eat a cleansing diet consisting of steamed or partially cooked vegetables (above all, broccoli, spinach and chard) with whole grain rice. Do not eat fat, meat, or dairy products.

At the same time, you should increase intake of vitamin A and vitamin C. You can find these in citrus fruits, carrots, papaya and broccoli.

Maintain healthy habits
Increase the size of the letters on your PC screen so you do not have to move the screen closer to your eyes. Do not read when there is not enough light (natural light is better than artificial light), keep a distance of at least one meter (three feet) From your TV screen and wear sunglasses when there is a break at work or when you get home.

It is also a good idea to spend time in the countryside or other natural environments, such as the beach. In this way you can work on the full range of your eyes . Like a panoramic photograph, the eyes need a break from seeing so many things at once, especially all the colors, the neon lights and other sharp light sources.

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