What's EFT Tapping? (Bite Sized Clip)

in health •  6 years ago 

In a nutshell, here is what EFT Tapping Therapy is. This clip is an excerpt from this episode about EFT.

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Very nice, just started following you. Thanks for the reply on my blog yesterday. I love MTG by the way.

Cool, thanks. Following you too now.

I don't play MTG much anymore, but one of my friends is still very active and has qualified for the regional PTQ. He's done several Pro Tours. Never gets past day 2, but the fact that he gets past day 1 in those tourneys is something.

Same, the local game shop down here closed a few months back. Kinda hard to balance life and playing the games we loved growing up. I think I enjoy collecting the cards more than anything now-a-days. I do love a good game of hearthstone tho!

I'll have to try heartstone. I have a card shop nearby but it's less expensive to play MTG Puzzle Quest lol Some of the cards in the puzzle quest game though are WAY overkill.