Natural Treatment Remedy

in health •  7 years ago 

Natural Remedy a.k.a alternative medicine is a constructive method of treatment targeted at removing the basic cause of disease through the use of the elements freely available in nature. It is not just a system of healing, but a way of life. Natural remedy is based on the realization that man is born healthy and strong and that he can live healthy in accordance with the laws of nature.

Natural remedy believes that disease is an abnormal condition of the body resulting from the violation of the natural laws. All such violation has consequences on the human system in the shape of lowered vitality, irregularities of the blood and lymph and the accumulation of waste matters and toxins.

When the toxins accumulate, other organs such as the skins, lungs, kidneys and bowels are overworked and cannot get rid of these harmful substances as quickly as they are produced. The whole philosophy and practice of natural remedy is built on basic principles. These principles are based on the conclusions reached from over a century of effective treatment of diseases in Africa, Asia and America. They have been tested and proved over and over again by the results obtained.


One of the principles of nature cure is that all forms of disease are due to the same cause, namely, the accumulations of waste materials and bodily refuse in the system. These waste materials in the healthy individual are removed from the system through the organs of elimination. It follows from this basic principle that the only way to cure disease is to employ methods which will enable the system to throw off these toxic accumulations. All natural treatments are actually directed towards this end.

Another principle of natural remedy is that all acute diseases such as inflammations, fevers, colds, digestive disturbances and skin eruptions are nothing more than self-initiated efforts on the part of the body to throw off the accumulated waste materials and that all chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, rheumatism, asthma, kidney disorders.

And yet another principle of natural remedy is that the body contains an eleborate healing mechanism which has the power to bring about a return to normal condition of health, provided right methods are employed to enable it to do so. In other words, the power to cure disease lies within the body itself and not in the hands of the doctor.

The natural remedy therapy aims at the readjustment of the human system from abnormal to normal conditions and functions, and adopts methods of cure which are in conformity with the constructive principles of nature. Such methods remove from the system the accumulation of toxic matter and poisons without in any way injuring the vital organs of the body.

They also stimulate the organs of elimination and purification to better functioning. To cure disease, the first and foremost requirement is to regulate the diet. To get rid of accumulated toxins and restore the equilibrium of the system, it is desirable to completely exclude acid-forming foods, including proteins, starches and fats, for a week or more and to
confine the diet to fresh fruits which will disinfect the stomach and alimentary canal. If the body is overloaded with morbid matter, as in acute disease, Fruit juice maybe necessary for the elimination of toxins.

IMPORTANT : Do not eat when you are sick, stick to a light diet of fresh fruits. Wait for the return of the usual healthy appetite. Loss of appetite is Nature’s warning that no burden should be placed on the digestive organs. Alkaline foods such as raw vegetables and sprouted whole grain cereals may be added after a week of a fruits-only diet.

Other natural methods useful in the cure of diseases are air and sunbaths, exercise and massage. Air and sunbaths revive dead skin and help maintain it in a normal condition. Exercise, especially yoga, as it promotes inner health and harmony and helps eliminate all tension such as physical, mental and emotional. Massage tones up the nervous system and quickens blood circulation and the metabolic process.

A well-balanced diet, sufficient physical exercise, and observation of the other laws of well-being such as plenty of sunlight, fresh air, pure drinking water, proper cleanliness, adequate rest and right mental attitude can ensure proper health and prevent disease.images.jpg

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