You Have to Be Your Own Doctor and Nutritionist

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

Every body is different. Don't trust a money industry with your precious life.

Eat slow, eat fast. Eat salt. No salt. Low fat. High fat. Eat six times a day. Eat once per day. Humans weren't meant to eat meat. Humans need meat. No dairy. Yoghurt is good. Caffeine is bad. Coffee helps you live a long life! Eat a wide variety of foods. Eat one food at a time. Eat the same things all the time. No grains. Whole grains are good!

Who do you trust??

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My first fast was for around 30 hours, I woke and could feel the demons had left

Interesting! Are you now living a fasting focused lifestyle?

No, I've fasted a few times but I'm not ready for the full on breatharian stuff yet, I still love me food

By FFL I just mean is fasting a regular part of your life with food.

I wouldn't say regular, I've done it a couple of times, I will be probably be having another go at some point though

You can still enjoy the food you eat, but you can prevent disease at the same times. You can learn more from my blog when you have time:

(Where) can I find that obscure book? 200 + is older than the oldest sea turtle ;>)

I am still very curious what you ( yourself ) eat, when you actually eat. I know what works for you doesn't necessarily work for other people but still... Would you mind elaborating on that?

A hug from Portugal!

It's called The Essene Science of Fasting. I still don't know what Essene is. It sounds like some ancient pre-Christian thing. I scanned like 23 pages on longevity, and I'd be happy to share it with you through dropbox if you want to send me your email through discord.

Well, what I eat really isn't important. I'm currently downing a shit-ton of cucumbers and avocado in vinegar and olive oil with a lot of salt (this keeps you hydrated for a long time.) and then eating some kind of meat with some kind of vegetable. For skin issues, Cole recommends not eating any sugar. But when you're lean, Cole recommends eating carbs. I'm personally going to change the way I eat after reading the book. I'm going to cut back how much I eat a lot, because I was stuffing myself to the brim during my eating window.

I browsed through some pages today and will give it a decent read this weekend.

I guess I will still need my carbs then. No matter how much I eat, I hardly gain any weight. I got the metabolism of a ... not sure what to enter on the dots but the only way for me to gain weight is eating way more and gaining muscle, I guess.

I am definitely gonna try the no sugar. I'm already practicing that, at times.

I will keep you updated. Have an amazing weekend!


I absolutely think that people need to trust and understand themselves more. The system they have set up right now deters people from taking matters into their own hands. There are absolutely circumstances where a professional needs to be involved but there are so many situations that don’t need them at all but people have been told they must see a doctor. It’s just a way to keep the system going instead of improving.

AND..... $$$$$$$$$!

Rightly said @brightstar the hospital have started to make business with the life of people. Instead of taking care of life they first talk about money. To avoid such pathetic situation one need to take care of themselves as much as possible by routine excercise and healthy diet. So that never go to a doctor

Posted using Partiko Android

To avoid such pathetic situation one need to take care of themselves as much as possible by routine excercise and healthy diet. So that never go to a doctor

Only for injury, never for disease!

You cant avoid injury...the more you try to be safe it make you scaref of everything...however by being regular to good diet and excerices you can protect from diesease....prevention is better than cure

Posted using Partiko Android

Good health is a matter of great concern, to maintain it, healthy living and a disciplined life is a must.
Thanks for useful article.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I like your question. [I chose to] I chose to trust myself. and I have liked your Facebook page. Thank you @brightstar.

That is pretty cool to practice natural living

I am agree with you.

Amen Sista'!!❤️