What You Don't Know Can Kill You - Does the govern-cement Own Your Organs?

in health •  6 years ago 


Have you ever filled out an organ donor card?
Thinking, that if you die, they could use your organs to save other lives.

I certainly used to.

To add insult to injury, i knew all the pieces in the video below and i never put them together.
After watching the video. you will never fill out an organ donor card again. Nor will you look at doctors and hospitals the same.

Reluctant Preppers: Does the Government Own Your Organs?
What You a Don't Know Can Kill You - Dr Paul A Byrne MD

In this video Dr Paul A Byrne points out a fact that all medical practitioners know,

That when you die, your body immediately starts disintegrating.

If you are dead, even for a minute, your organs aren't useful for transplanting.
Many people have life long issues with their organs after being clinically dead for a minute and then resuscitated.

So, why would their be an organ donor card?
Because, many people taken to the hospital are not quite dead, but they are also not quite alive.

The hospital staff find out that the person has an organ donor card and then prepare the paperwork.
They do misleading (and often harmful) tests, and then tell the parents, guardians, family, lovers,... that the person won't make it (because of the misleading tests) and pressure them to sign release documents.

The moment the documents are signed, the (living) body is rushed into surgery and cut apart WITHOUT ANAESTHESIA, and all the organs are removed while machines keep the person alive. Life flight helicopters were already en-route when the paper work was being filled out.

The body is parted out and sold at great profit. Usually millions.

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So, it might be nice to give of yourself to help others. However, you must know that they will cut you up, while still alive to do so. That, indeed, you might have lived, if it wasn't so profitable to sell all your pieces.

I felt that everyone should know about this common medical mal-practice.

And the lies the doctors will be selling, while they actually kill your loved one, calling it "tests".

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All images in this post are my own original creations using a likeness of a NHS propaganda card.

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In the netherlands they passed a law (or are going to) that you are a donor if you don't say no. So in end effect your organs are from the state.

Before it was so that you had to personally fill out a card if you wanted to be a donor or not, and in how far.
Now all the Dutch are donor by default unless they say no.

It's really sickening.

Yes, the Dr. Byrne points out in the video that 37 states (in The US) have adopted the same laws. That you are opted in, unless you specifically opt out.

Great info. So frkn scary. Wow.
May God have mercy on the world. Man o man.

So the organs aren’t really donated then if they are selling them. How does it work when a live person donates a kidney?

It is similar to putting a child up for adoption.

You can give the child away, but you cannot sell it.
Selling it is what the child trafficking people do. (See all the articles on the CPS)

So, you cannot sell your kidney.
But if a hospital pulls your kidney out of your still living body, and there is a person who needs that kidney, then tens of thousands of dollars are paid to the hospital. And the wording is something like, services for surgeons and room rental.

I have never checked yes, and my family has always tried shaming me. No way am I going to make it where I am worth more if I die than alive.

That it is good. It really turns your world on your head knowing that you are worth more dead, than alive. In a very literal sense.

Maybe you can share this with your shaming family so they will know.

Maybe you can share this with your shaming family so they will know.

Hahaha, I wish I could. They discounted what I thought years ago. I learned to stop sharing so much of what I saw with them as I am the black sheep who is cynical and distrusting in their eyes. I learned long ago one can't save others who don't want to be, so unless they try to enforce their will upon me I leave them in their prisons where they demand to be.

I have heard horrible stories on SGT’s YouTube about the exact situation with Syrians crossing into Turkey and ending up in Hospitals where this happens....media is deadly quiet in this area.

And the Red Cross has a prison... i mean hospital boat that seems to show up in all kinds of third world countries.

That is pretty scary but the part that I don't understand is how can the organ still be valuable when they are put on ice and transported instead of going directly into the receiving patient immediately?

Well, scientifically speaking, the tissue starts degrading when it loses its oxygen supply. So, if it is removed while it still has oxygen, and then cooled to the point where it has very little biological activity, the organ survives for much longer with the body being dead.

Or, basically, without oxygen, the cells start an anaerobic process for fuelling itself. And the cell basically eats itself while also creating many toxins. And this starts happening in five minutes.

Putting it on ice just makes this five minutes last a lot longer.