Help: Empower or Enable?

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

7FEE656A-22FC-440C-AC49-70ADCEEE1A54.pngOffering help is sacred

Help may be offered for a multitude of reasons..

Of course, when we are in a tight space, life saving help seems easy to accept.

When we are in a position to choose the help we want, perhaps we didnt need help at all.

Multiple questions come to mind

“At whAt cost am I helping?”
And perhaps another other side of a coin, “at what cost am i accepting help?”

These 2 ?s Beg the consideration that giving and receiving help arent always holistically beneficial. Plus, help doesnt have to be mutually beneficial ie; charity

Though at what point does offering help actually cross the line of enabling, and at what point does accepting help actually harm us?

Publicly offering charity for over 5 years through GuerillaHealer, I see first hand the power of help, and I have seen the power of enabling.

A7A14C18-D65D-4942-8D8C-959E69246D30.jpegWHEN OUR RESOURCES ARE LIMITED, While acknowledging that life is precious, its important to remember the difference between charity and investment.

What do I mean? Check it out.. follow me
Does a charity invest in helping resource-lacking individuals or is a charity simply a well for the needy to tap freely?
Ear me now

Many beg and plead, only to receive help, yet continue to make the same choices that contributed to our realities recipe.

I love when I experience people ask for help and effectively optimize our life experience from the help we get.

I often see those of us who invest in our well being more often than not value what needs to be done in order to benefit from the help we invested in, as opposed to receiving help for free which has less perceived value.

Sure, we may benefit from an immediate helping hand, though what we actually do to follow up with our empowerment is so important!

Questions that may arise in this process:

What do I need to do in order to continue receiving help from those who have helped me ?

Do I need to quit tapping the same help well and start seeking help from others?

What do I need to do in order to make my life easier because I have not been able to operate functionally and its depressing! Who can Help me?

Who can i offer something to (perhaps bribe, manipulate, or even just simply inspire {thin lines}) to help me!?

Of course there are those of us who are completely unable to care for ourselves. It should be utterly obvious, knowing me (now that youre following me youl get to know my level of integrity), that those of us incapable of helping ourselves are not my subject of this article.

I strongly Salute those of us who dedicate our lives to helping those of us who can not care for ouselves enjoy a better quality of life. Thank you from those without a voice!

questions that may arise from a capable providers standpoint:

Wheres the solution?
Is it up to me to provide one?
Is it my response-ability to guide us through the fog?
Must I give myself when i am not feeling it, perhaps the ‘it’ is reciprocity?
Do I owe it to anyone to help?

If I dont help will someone else? Are we actually alone?
Have I ever felt alone?

Questions for everyone:

Do I give more than I receive?
Do I take more than I give?
Do I make excuses for why I choose what I do?
Do I make excuses for why I focus on what I do?
Do I complain about “the hand I was dealt in life”
Am I truly accountable for my sovereignty or do I rely on others to be whole? If I need to rely on others, do I create expectations around the help I seek, or do I acknowledge that its charity i need? If charity, do I accept charity as it comes because I am in need? Or do I put expectations on the charity I need, in turn limiting my results by setting myself up for a let down.
Do I reflect the position of someone needing charity only to claim my independance: ie; am I humble or egocentric?

Its so easy to place blame, especially when we are imbalanced. In the past I chose this route so I know it well.

Its infinitely valuable to remember our answers to these questions and apply what we know to our now, which I imagine will catalyze our empowerment by acknowledging our own choices, by ackowledging our dependance on others, and by supporting our growth rather than focusing on our demise.

Have you ever wanted to help someone only to notice they seem to have ability to help themselves yet continually choose to focus on what doesnt serve them yet continually ask for help?

None of us are excluded from this capability. It serves us to continually to be patient and loving, though when we expect unconditional love, are we actually the ones placing conditions?

I repeat

When we expect unconditional love, are we actually placing conditions on the giver?

Acting out / responding out of pain may be linked to narcisistic behaviors, though IMO theres a distinction between a narcisistic pattern and a narcisistic behavior.

Many of us may at one point be in an uncomfortable position, and be unsure how to deal with it, and may even blame others for our misfortunes.

This doesnt mean we are generally a narcisist. It just means our fears are manifesting ugly. We do have the ability to transmutate our fear and manifest our loving intentions by not succumbing to a lack of positive focus. When investing in focusing on what serves us, we are Cultivating a pattern that may yeild a favorable result!

Its also important to remember our actions. Our behavior reflects a frequency and when we are seeking high frequency relation yet are operating at a low frequency, its up to us to dial in our self and vibrate (vibe) at the frequency whichbbest serves us and in this relation our focus is our magic.

Many of us know what its like to offer or receive help only to regret it later.
Is this because we overextended ourselves, is it because we didnt subscribe to reality, is it because we placed expectations on result?

Theres a difference between charity and investment.

Its important we know what we are doing
And its important we keep it real
Otherwise we are just manipulating a giver ultimately making it harder for the people who ‘need’ the help rather than just ‘want’ it because we have a limiting perspective by placing expactations

Its up to us response-able-willing life protectors to spread our truth

While our truth may be different many may be connected
The colors of a rainbow have differing truths though the truth is without em all theres no rainbow

Symbiotic relationship with self leads to symbiotic relationship with others, in this flower of life.

What are we putting in to the flower of life?

Our focus sets intent for prepping our soil for growth or sickness


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