"I could never live with myself if my child died from a Vaccine-Preventable Disease."
As a non-vaccinating mom, I have heard that many times. But let me ask you this.
Could you live with yourself if your child died or was seriously injured from vaccines that you chose to give him?

Whether you are Pro-Vaccine or Anti-Vaccine, or somewhere in the middle, NOBODY wants their child to die or be injured. We all love our children. I know that!
That's why I hate how this issue is used to divide people. I hate it when people say that I am getting kids killed by informing people of vaccine dangers. I hope you realize that what I am doing here on Steemit is trying to SAVE CHILDREN. I'm sharing truth that people usually refuse to talk about.
The mainstream media doesn't talk about all the people killed and injured by vaccines. So I'm using this Steemit Uncensored Platform to do that.

If you consider truth dangerous, and think that it is better for me to shut up than to allow people Informed Consent on Medical Decisions ... well, I don't know what to say to you except ignore you. Because I'll keep telling the truth.
The Truth is that many, many people are injured and killed each day because of VACCINATION. That's the truth. Do with it what you will.
The mom, Jacqueline, in the video below, knew that vaccines could kill. HER FRIEND'S CHILD DIED FROM VACCINATION while she was pregnant. She attended the funeral!
However, she still felt the pressure to vaccinate, so she chose a delayed vaccine schedule for her third child, Banks. She waited until the age of 3 to get Banks the M.M.R. Vaccine along with a DTap and HepB.
Up until that fateful day at 3-years-of age, her child had been developing normally.
But the very next day, he couldn't walk or talk anymore.
Overnight, he became autistic.
PLEASE, Please Watch This 11-Minute Interview Video

What stood out for me in this video is how much GUILT this poor mother feels. She is utterly exhausted and traumatized and scared for her child's future. Her focus now has to be on how to save her 8-yr-old son, Banks. He will never be able to leave his parents. She says that it is a "Freaking Mess".
Please Listen to the Video. https://www.facebook.com/VaxXed/videos/759554904187551/
The grieving mother, Jacqueline says ...
"You feel like giving up every day. You don't feel like it's getting any better. No matter how many therapies and how much I try, it's never gets better.
"And I feel so responsible because I knew, every single time I took him in to get a shot that it wasn't working. And I'm the one that was alone and did it that day, and I WILL NEVER EVER FORGIVE MYSELF for that.
It's an extremely painful place to be, when you have children that you just can't fix."
"I feel like I did it, and I can't reverse it. I drove him there that day. I signed the stupid paper and did it. And I can't take it back. I go to therapy every Tuesday, and it's still not working."
I really, truly hope that Jacqueline finds a way to forgive herself. It wasn't really her fault. It is the fault of the C.D.C. and the Pediatricians, and the Media for telling us that we don't love our children if we don't vaccinate them.

I know for myself, that given the knowledge I already have of vaccine injuries and how common that they are, that I would be more able to live with the guilt of a "vaccine-preventable" disease injuring my child, than I would be if it was a vaccine-induced injury.
I know that the odds of vaccine injury are greater than the odds of injury from measles for example. I have researched extensively. I have looked at each individual vaccine risks compared to the risks of each illness that vaccine is supposed to prevent. And in each case, the risks of vaccinating are greater than the risk of the illness.
If I now were to vaccinate any of my children, and they were to be injured or dead from that vaccine, I don't know if I could forgive myself. I know too much to bury my head in the sand now and just do what society expects me to do.
Little girl giving the VaxXed Tour Bus a Big Hug, after her mom told her that all those names on the bus are people who were injured or died from vaccines.

For More Vaccine Injury Stories, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut 
It's an extremely painful place to be, when you have children that you just can't fix."
"I feel like I did it, and I can't reverse it. I drove him there that day. I signed the stupid paper and did it. And I can't take it back. I go to therapy every Tuesday, and it's still not working."
I really, truly hope that Jacqueline finds a way to forgive herself. It wasn't really her fault. It is the fault of the C.D.C. and the Pediatricians, and the Media for telling us that we don't love our children if we don't vaccinate them.

I know for myself, that given the knowledge I already have of vaccine injuries and how common that they are, that I would be more able to live with the guilt of a "vaccine-preventable" disease injuring my child, than I would be if it was a vaccine-induced injury.
I know that the odds of vaccine injury are greater than the odds of injury from measles for example. I have researched extensively. I have looked at each individual vaccine risks compared to the risks of each illness that vaccine is supposed to prevent. And in each case, the risks of vaccinating are greater than the risk of the illness.
If I now were to vaccinate any of my children, and they were to be injured or dead from that vaccine, I don't know if I could forgive myself. I know too much to bury my head in the sand now and just do what society expects me to do.
Little girl giving the VaxXed Tour Bus a Big Hug, after her mom told her that all those names on the bus are people who were injured or died from vaccines.
Totally agree! My mom took the swine flu vaccine in 1971 and caught Guillain Barre Syndrome. I think she'd like that choice back. Keep up the good work!
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That's terrible. I'm sorry.
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Thanks tee-em. I'm sorry that your mom got injured from a vaccine. What's really ironic about Guillain Barre Syndrome, is that it is paralysis. It is well known that the flu shot causes it. So they proudly say how vaccines eliminated Polio, yet vaccines are causing what looks exactly like Polio today. My mother's neighbour's young daughter got Guillain Barre over a year ago right after she went and got a round of vaccines for a missions's trip overseas.
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I'm against any vaccination and I'm lucky that my kids are adults already. I think that today in 21 century and in so called free world parents should make a decision what is good for child not governments.
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Absolutely, it should be a parents decision. Doctors and society should stop bullying and intimidating and shaming people into vaccinating against their will or without informed consent.
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You do understand by registering children with the govt that you're giving up your right to govern that person if it goes against any legislation right?
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will-zewe - are you talking about getting them a Social Security Number, or Social Insurance Number as we call them in Canada? My kids don't have those yet. They have birth certificates. They don't go to school, so no worries on that end for me. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not allow forced vaccinations. I know that they could try to ignore the constitution though and pretend that it is the law.
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Social security or social insurance allows that person to do commerce in that jurisdiction, but the birth certificate is what registers and creates a person with the govt in the first place.
Also yeah I love me some charter of rights and freedoms. Security of the person, right to unlawful search and seizure all that good jazz. I always go back to the superseding legislation.
But all laws different right, there's basic rules for different types of law, but every contract is unique, fluid, and dynamic.
Oh and as for above with the cdc, yes if you have legislation and they're breaking it, by all means they can be held accountable. First the agent and then move on right up the chain, it's a military jurisdiction so take that shit to the superceeding officer and say they may be held liable if they do not remedy the situation in regards to how one of their agents has damaged you. If it's their laws by all means, hold them accountable.
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You know that's based on fraud and incomplete disclosure so it isn't valid right?
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There's no fraud about it, nothing is hidden. Is all legislation not 100% publically available? Convoluted as shit yes, but it's (in this case) majority trust law anyways, beneficiaries don't even have the right to full disclosure of the trust indenture.
They merely have the right to an arbitration system if it was written in. Or like it is, courts. Or as you can find some companies and sports companies write in arbitration clauses to avoid going to court for certain situations. As long as they do not go against legislation (and in reality as long as the dispute is never brought to a court for them to even know if it goes against legalization) they're basically free to self govern their own disputes and the govt has little to no jurisdiction in the matter provided like I said above, it is done in a legal manor.
There's my little idk what ever for the day, I gotta get back to making my videos. But I also wanna mention I do not vaccinate as well, so right there with you on those. Also I try not to talk about law to much, seems like one of those... Idk annoying topics to bring up, it's like politics lol, but I opened my big mouth and did try to explain it a little more in depth. I hope that helps.
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I think aggroed might have meant that the CDC and forced vaccination laws (in California and Mississippi) are based on fraud and that everybody has a legal right to Informed Consent in medical procedures, which they are not being given currently for vaccines.
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Don't live in the past, live in the present!. There are many books on this topic. This could really help. Of course, in addition to the collapse of pharmaceutical cartel.
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Yes, I hope that she can move on. I really like her interview because it was so raw and real. It is such a struggle for her to forgive herself and I wanted the world to see what the harms of vaccination can put a person through.
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very trigger-friendly topic indeed. great post. upvoted!
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ha ha, yes it is. But it needs to be talked about. Thanks for your support!
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So sad for your friend, especially the pressure she would have been put under to have these vacinations... in the Uk it was't so pressurised when my 2 girls needed to be vaccinated (17yrs ago) - we as parents took the decision to have them both vaccinated, but each vaccination Measles, Mumps and Rubella was done separately over an 18 month period, instead of a combined vaccine. Our decision was primarily based on our gut feeling that introducing so many live vaccines into a small baby was too much, also the 'rumblings' of possible autism was just begining to hit the media and when Tony Blair Prime Minister refused to say whether his children had been vaccinated , this sort of made our minds up. Today my girls are healthy young women. I am so relieved that we did what we felt was right, costly at the time, but you can't put a price on health. Now I understand that you have to show medical records in the States to show that your child has had all vacinations ( friends there informed us) before entering the school system. This is now creeping into the Uk - freedom of choice is being eradicated slowly. I agree children should have vaccinations, but a choice should be offered as to how you have them- combined or individually!
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Thank-you ladypenelope1. Vaccines are mandatory for school in two states I believe, Mississippi and beginning this school year, California. I'm in BC, Canada and we have lots of freedom in our province that way. We are one of the most progressive provinces/states and apparently 30% of parents here have skipped at least one of the recommended childhood vaccines. Vaccination is not mandatory anywhere in Canada for school, but in some provinces like Ontario the parent has to fill out an "exemption" form to get into school without all the vaccines. Exemption forms are good in most of the USA.
However, schools here and elsewhere have been lying for many, many years and telling parents that vaccination is mandatory for school. I have had several people tell me how the school said their child couldn't attend without vaccinations. One friend believed them and called their bluff by pulling out her child and keeping him at home. A week later the school called back and said that actually it was okay for him to come to school. I hate how they lie to parents all the time. Just recently in the news here there were stories about how Ontario kicked a couple hundred of kids out of school for not having their vaccinations. In reality, the parents had simply forgot or didn't know that they had to file the exemptions. In Ontario you need either (1) the record of up-to-date immunizations or (2) an exemption letter on file. But the media plays it out as if vaccinations are mandatory. In reality, many of the children expelled were only behind on one or two vaccines because their parents had spaced them out or decided against a few and didn't realize that they needed an exemption for that. But the schools will try to force the parents into vaccination by withholding their true rights.
For myself, I homeschool so that doesn't affect me personally. However, it is repugnant that schools put this pressure on parents.
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so very transparent .....NOT! Thats out rageous - Good on your friend for calling their bluff. In the Uk they are promoting the vaccine for teenagers the HPV - again we looked into this deeply and decided to not give it to the girls. Turns out from a recent article in an up market medical magazine , that there are rumours ( like the link between MMR and Autism) that this is a 'birth control' vaccination, one to cause some children to become sterile! - don't know how true this is, but if it turns out to be like the MMR rumours and final prove, then I am glad we refused to have it.
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I have been listening to stories from parents and teenagers of the damage that Gardasil/HPV Vaccine has done to them. It has stopped girls menstrual cycles and put them into early menopause. It has made some boys/young men impotent and no longer able to get erections. I have a theory that it may be making some girls/women so that they can't even have sex as it becomes too painful and sometimes penetration impossible. That's just my theory but one lady here on Steemit bravely posted an article about how she has not had sex with her husband because of this medical condition, and she apparently did get the HPV Vaccine. In her article she said that this is mostly a problem for girls/women between the ages of 15-25, which I figured out would correlate exactly with the timeframe that HPV was introduced 10 years ago.
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