There are items that we must master alone. Because it deals with our health and the people around us. The main reason is bacteria in the body can not be predicted growth, bacteria in the body can be attached to the goods used.
Personal Doc
5 Items That Can not Be Lent To Friends and Have Their Own Milk
The use of goods from one person to another can directly transmit disease or bacteria. The following items can not be lent to a friend, namely:
- Towels
Usage from one user to another makes good germicide, even when it is really healthy, increased humidity in the bathroom. Turn the slippery fabric into a perfect breeding ground for mushrooms, bacteria, and fungi. Thus we always show each other in every travel to anywhere.The use of towels from one user to another makes good germicide. As even quoted , even when the body is completely healthy, the increase in moisture in the bathroom gradually turns the towel damp cloth into a perfect breeding ground for fungi, bacteria and fungi. Thus we should always bring their own towels in every trip to the
Penggunaan handuk dari satu pengguna ke pengguna yang lain menyebabkan perpindahan kuman yang baik. Sebagaimana dikutip dari, bahkan ketika tubuh sedang benar-benar sehat, peningkatan kelembaban di dalam kamar mandi secara bertahap mengubah kain lembab handuk menjadi tempat berkembang biak sempurna untuk jamur, bakteri, dan jamur. Dengan demikian sebaiknya kita selalu membawa handuk sendiri-sendiri dalam setiap bepergian ke manapun.
- Brush your teeth
As quoted, the use of toothbrush alternately resulted in the transmission of Hepatitis C disease through the blood. Not only that, the use of toothbrushes in turn can cause major problems, that is contracting HIV / AIDS through the blood of the patient.
Seperti dilansir, penggunaan sikat gigi secara bergantian berakibat pada menularnya penyakit Hepatitis C lewat darah. Tidak hanya itu, penggunaan sikat gigi secara bergantian bisa menimbulkan masalah besar, yaitu tertular HIV/AIDS lewat darah penderita.
- Shaver
When a person shaves, either a beard, a mustache, or a feather has a major effect on the exfoliation of the skin and blood. This blood is able to transmit disease from one patient to another. So, it's better to buy yourself instead of having to borrow.
Saat seseorang mencukur, baik jenggot, kumis, atau bulu berakibat besar kepada terkelupasnya kulit dan mengeluarkan darah. Darah inilah yang mampu menularkan penyakit dari satu penderita ke orang lain. Maka, lebih baik membeli sendiri daripada harus meminjam.
- Makeup
Makeup, good lipstick, lipgloss, and more. Can trigger the infectious diseases, such as herpes labiaslis because the use of alternately it can spread the herpes simplex virus and make bubbles blister in the mouth.
Riasan wajah, baik lipstik, lipgross, dan lainnya. Bisa memicu tertularnya penyakit, seperti herpes labiaslis karena penggunaan secara bergantian itu bisa menyebarkan virus herpes simpleks dan membuat gelembung melepuh di dalam mulut.
- Earphone
The use of Earphones in patients with ear infections, causing bacterial transmission in the ear more quickly. The worst risk after bacterial transmission is a bad effect on decreased hearing function. Here it is better you do not carelessly borrow or lend the Earphone from or to people.
The goods are very closely related to the place of disease transmission is powerful, therefore avoiding 5 items that should not be lent to the friend above we must supervise, for the sake of our health.
Riasan wajah, baik lipstik, lipgross, dan lainnya. Bisa memicu tertularnya penyakit, seperti herpes labiaslis karena penggunaan secara bergantian itu bisa menyebarkan virus herpes simpleks dan membuat gelembung melepuh di dalam mulut.