in health •  7 years ago 

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Affirmations are declarations, statements we make. They could be positive or negative. As a matter of fact we tend to make affirmations unconsciously, and since our words become reality, our affirmations have the power to create great changes in our life.
What is the Key to Using Affirmations Successfully?

The key to using affirmations to create wealth is to make the affirmation feel authentic to you and believe it in your heart. Positive affirmations are the key to achievements and changes in your life. Look at it this way; when you speak words – they go into action and begin to work to bring into your life those things you have spoken. Consistency and repetition are also key to successful affirmations.

Realize that you can achieve anything you set your mind to achieve. Regardless of your financial situation today or what you feel about yourself, it would do you so much good to shift your thinking and realize that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve and positive affirmations are a great place to start. Affirmations work on your subconscious mind and realign it in the direction of what you want to achieve to help you achieve it.

Below are wealth affirmations, you could change it into your own language and use your own terms; whatever will make it feel real to you. If it does not the first time, do not worry just continue to make the affirmations and connect your heart to it. Sooner or later your mind and heart will believe it.
I am grateful for the wealth I am receiving
I have everything in abundance
I have an abundance of wealth and riches
Money comes to me easily, frequently and in abundance
Everything I do is successful
Everything I touch is successful
I am thankful for the abundance of wealth in my life
I am becoming wealthier every day
Wealth is pouring into my life daily
I am loving and giving with my wealth so I receive more wealth
The Universe is friendly to all my plans
The Universe is friendly to all my endeavors
I am at peace because I have an abundance of all things
I am blessed on every side
I feel blessed to have wealth in abundance
Opportunities to make money come to me easily and frequently
I easily see opportunities to make wealth
I have multiple income streams
I have more than enough money for all that I need
All the elements in the Universe conspire to bring me abundance of wealth everyday
These wealth affirmations would take you not more than 5 minutes. Make the affirmations at least twice a day (adds up to 10 minutes) and make the affirmations everyday. It will not be too far down the road when you realize that changes are already taking place in your financial situation and your affirmations are creating wealth in your life. Adopted from Jesse Ford- Reach for Happy


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