Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, occurs when symptoms of fatigue persist over a period of longer than six months.
It can affect you both physically and mentally, and can be debilitating to those experiencing it.
It can be difficult to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome since there are no specific tests, and patients who report the symptoms are often disregarded by doctors of conventional medicine.
If you have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue, or if you believe you may have chronic fatigue, you may be relieved to know that at Nardini Naturopathic, there are natural solutions for chronic fatigue available.
Is It Chronic Fatigue, Or Am I Just Tired?
If you’re feeling normal levels of tiredness, the symptoms will go away with rest or a good night’s sleep.
Symptoms of fatigue, however, are not alleviated by rest or sleep.
Chronic fatigue exists when fatigue persists.
Fatigue is a lack of physical and/or mental energy that interferes with daily activities, while tiredness is the inability to remain fully awake or alert during the day.
Symptoms of tiredness usually have an identifiable cause and an obvious remedy, most often rest or sleep.
Chronic fatigue, on the other hand, has no apparent cause.
Causes Of Chronic Fatigue
The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown, and there are no specific tests that exist to diagnose chronic fatigue.
According to research from Walker, Katon, and Jemelka nearly one in four people will experience chronic fatigue at one point in their life.
But in another study, this one by Kroenke and Mangelsdorff, only 10 percent of chronic fatigue patients were found to have a medical cause behind their condition.
As a result, not only is it hard to point to a single root cause, but it’s also difficult to diagnose.
In addition, the majority of patients who report symptoms to their doctor receive delayed or no diagnosis.
However, multiple factors can contribute to chronic fatigue syndrome, such as immune dysfunction, infectious agents, gut dysbiosis, and thyroid problems.
Chronic fatigue syndrome occurs four times more frequently in women, especially those in their 40s and 50s.
It is often associated with mood and anxiety disorders, such as depression or somatization disorder.
Other medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia, diabetes, and cancer, can also cause chronic fatigue-like symptoms.
Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue
Fatigue is a constant state of feeling weak, tired, drained, or worn out.
Fatigue is also identified by experiencing symptoms such as:
● Persistent tiredness
● Headaches
● Weakness
● Appetite loss
● Low motivation
● Dizziness
● Irritability or moodiness
● Blurred vision
Chronic fatigue occurs when those symptoms persist over six months or longer.
It can affect you physically, mentally, emotionally, or a combination of all of those.
In addition to the symptoms of fatigue, sufferers of chronic fatigue may also experience:
● Postexertional malaise
● Muscle pain
● Unrefreshing sleep
● Substantial impairment in memory and/or concentration
● Pain in multiple joints
● Sore throat
● Tender neck or armpit lymph nodes
● Digestive disturbances
● Night sweats
What Is Adrenal Fatigue?
The adrenals consist of two glands that sit on top of the kidneys and are part of the endocrine system.
They produce cortisol, a steroid hormone that helps the body respond to stress.
But prolonged exposure to stress can cause your adrenal glands to become fatigued, leading to a low cortisol state.
Reported symptoms of adrenal fatigue include tiredness, lack of motivation, weight changes, and brain fog.
Adrenal fatigue is commonly linked with chronic fatigue.
Though they are two separate conditions, they often have similar symptoms.
So, it’s common for naturopathic doctors testing for chronic fatigue to look at your adrenals as well.
Natural Solutions For Chronic Fatigue
Although each patient’s treatment plan varies depending on their individual needs, there are a variety of natural solutions available for patients with chronic fatigue.
1. Eat Lots Of Green Vegetables
Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli help support the immune system.
Although studies have not yet been performed as to their use for people with chronic fatigue, green vegetables can protect against the antioxidant damage that contributes to muscle pain associated with CFS.
Supplements that contain powdered greens can also have the similar effects.
2. Increase Your Omega-3 Intake
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in many fish oils, help decrease the production of putative mediators of inflammation, including interleukin-1, and tumor necrosis factor.
Since interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor are the principal polypeptide mediators of immunoregulation, reduced production of these cytokines through supplementation with omega-3 may be a possible mechanism for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, according to research by Tamizi and Tamizi.
Omega supplements can also treat intestinal permeability, and are beneficial overall for health.
3. Supplement With Coenzyme Q10
If you have chronic fatigue, you may be producing insufficient adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the “energy currency” of the body.
Coenzyme Q10 can help your body produce more ATP.
Furthermore, since Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant, it can help increase immunity and help with muscle pain.
In a study of patients with CFS, it helped increase patients’ ability to exercise, and 69% of those patients reported improvements in other symptoms.
4. Eat Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba can help boost blood flow to the brain.
This can help improve concentration and alertness, and prevent oxidative damage that contributes to muscle pain.
Most people get their ginkgo biloba via supplementing, but you can also eat the tree’s nuts.
Ginkgo biloba trees actually grow in abundance here in Toronto, including in High Park and along the Don Valley trail.
You can spot them by their characteristic fan-shaped leaves with a small slit in the middle.
5. Add Licorice To Your Diet
Licorice extract — not to be confused with the candy — can help increase energy levels.
Some patients with chronic fatigue have unusually low blood pressure, and licorice extract contains an anti-inflammatory which can lead to higher blood pressure by increasing sodium levels in the blood.
Those on medication, with a history of high blood pressure, or with menstrual irregularities should consult with a qualified practitioner before using licorice.
This article originally appeared on the blog of Nardini Naturopathic. It appears here on Steemit with the full permission of the original source.