Cardiovascular Exercise

in health •  8 years ago 

Time to jump out of that bed and get jumping with those cardiovascular exercises. So many people realize, and so many people need to realize, the exhilaration one receives from the early morning exercises that get them going and able to easily manage a stressful day.

The term “cardiovascular exercise” is actually the same exercise as “aerobic.” Both involve strengthening the large muscles such as the legs. This exercise also makes the lungs and heart stronger and expands their capacity. This exercise also will burn calories causing weight loss which in turn will lower blood pressure. The meaning of the word “aerobic” is something needing oxygen. When doing cardio and aerobic exercises, oxygen is sent throughout the body to all your muscles. Oxygen is crucial for the muscles to remain strong and keep the body capable of action.

The exercises should be done with intensity and can be accomplished in many forms. If one does not have access to outside activity without traveling a distance, then there are numerous methods of creating inside action. The ever trusty treadmill and stationary bicycle are two forms that will never fail to give excellent results. There are others such as the stair climber, the rowing machine or walking to CDs. For outside exercise, and these do not require any special equipment, there is the old favorite, walking. If this is not strenuous enough then there is jogging, running, jumping rope or swimming.

If a person does not have a heart problem that needs improving or does not have a weight problem that needs changed, then perform these exercises to maintain a healthy body. Go forth and face an anxiety, tension and stress free day.

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