He Beat Chiari (with Brain Surgery) and now saves lives...steemCreated with Sketch.

in health •  8 years ago  (edited)

My son, now 17, had a brain condition called CHIARI. The condition limits the flow of fluids from the spine to the brain and vice versa. That restricted flow causes severe headaches and other debilitating conditions.

"February 24,2014 we walked into a hospital to have a procedure done to relieve pressure in my sons brain. All the way there I wanted to turn around and go home. I couldn't breathe. How can I trust someone to cut on my child's brain and remove part if his skull..." That was part of a painful post made by Espen's mother on the Facebook page created to document his journey through this.

Many people that have this condition never find relief. We are so blessed that Espen has not only found relief (mostly) but has chosen a life of adventure and pursuing something such as Life Guarding where he can be of service to others.

The Facebook page sits mostly without updates these days, but if you are interested in checking out past posts here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/Espens-Chiari-Journey-634744523245729/

Follow Espen on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/espenkirby/

Follow the Daddykirbs Journey


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So glad this was a "Happily Ever After" story. Espen is a very special young man and deserves to live life without debilitating headaches.

I'm grateful to have found your blog @daddykirbs. it's really great to hear of the blessings that continue to unfold when love is present. Thanks for sharing your journey. GO ESPEN! (Great name, btw).

You are a part of my story @everlove ! Thank you for the encouragement ;)

Indeed my pleasure. Thanks for putting yourself out there!

I have a wonderful family. Though there are many challenges. I'm always hopeful that we can learn to be better people through it all. My kids are showing me often that they are getting that message. Warms my heart :)

The evolution of children also shows us the evolution of ourselves Being the best we can be rubs off.

Glad it is a story with a happy ending!

Me too! When we were in the middle of the ordeal it felt like torture. For him I'm sure, but as parents having your son go through brain surgery weighed very heavy on us. Now, looking back we realize that we were very blessed to have it go as well as it did. We know other families with this same challenge and it hasn't gone as well for them.