Chai I could not SLEEP

in health •  7 years ago 

Last night was war. I know what you must be thinking with who? Sha I will tell you. It was them the blood suckers, yes them, MOSQUITOES. I decided to research about them. Anyway, this is what I found.


There are 3,500 mosquito species in the world and 175 of them were found In the United States 17 of those species were found in my country Nigeria. It’s quite a relieve that it is only 17, think about it if 17 species to wreak this kind of havoc how much more. Only the female mosquitoes bite coz they need the nutritional content from our blood to develop their eggs.

There were a few characteristics that help them choose their next victims

  1. They like pregnant women coz the produce more carbon dioxide than non-pregnant women and apparently they also produce enough body heat to attract them.

  2. This is for the guys that love to drink beer. I was surprised too, obviousl, mosquitoes love to get high on the blood of beer drinkers.

  3. It was also discovered that they are really picky when it comes to blood type and they generally prefer blood group O.

  4. Thanks to PHCN the house is always hot. Infact everywhere is hot. Mosquitoes are attracted to a sweaty and hot body.

  5. Generally, mosquitoes prefer to bite men than women. That’s not fair. We dont want any more referrals from the women flok.

  6. Mosquitoes have a high sense of smell so when the bacteria on your skins are celebrating independence it attracts them as well.

  7. If you think that wide nose of yours is good think again. Mosquitoes are attracted to people that produce a high amount of carbon dioxide.
    big nose.jpg

  8. They are also wired to go for some kind of DNA. Sorry

  9. Ohh I almost forgot they also so have eyes and are attracted to dark colours and be sure that black is the prime target. Don’t look at me I didn’t make your skin black blame melanin. Sha they also like red colors.

There is no sure way of evading this blood suckers completely. You can only wear long clothes to cover your skin, use repellants than contain DEET, try to reduce your body heat at night through bathing. Try anything that soothes you.

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Nice work bro


A very good post. But please fix typos

I will. Thanks