Scientology and B3

in health •  8 years ago 

Scientology has been labeled in the last 5 to 10 years as a cult and even worst a religion. I am not a scientologist, but want to explain why its neither and how it could help some popes.

A man by the name Abram Hoffer, formerly know as the grad father of vitamin b3 discovered that most Schizophrenics could be cured with large dosages of vitamin b3. Hoffer found that people with schizo could not break down adrenalin and instead would break down into adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is a slightly metabolite Adrenaline but cause mass oxidation damage. Effectively remove oxygen from the brain and starves you. Using b3 u can increase nutrients to particular parts of the body, decrease histamine. and decrease the Adrenaline, which is covered to dopamine. When you take a high does of b3 its like having. a coffee but without the badge and you wake up and say I fee like I am here.

How does this relate to Scientology? Well Hoffer worked with L Ron Hubbard on the psychosis with schizophrenia patients and various others. They also found that taking LSD would put a normal person into the schizo mode and taking b3 would pull them out of it. Also using b3 in a hot sauna would flush toxins and chemicals out of the body and create increase health and clearness in the mind. The dosage can vary for b3 between 100 mg to 10 grams, its best to start small and build up trying say 50 mg on the first day and second day move up to 100 mg, until you reach nausea and then pull back. This is your optimal dosage.

One of the goals of Scientology was to enhance people ability in everyday life and Hubbard took all aspects to make people better. So b3 was adjunct to saying lets get your chemistry working. So if you feeling down, depressed tired or just ordinary , try b3 it can change your life.. and there has only every been 2 deaths ever. Thats right only 2 and that was due to an inferior way they would extract the b3, these days they have a much better way of doing. this and much safer.


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Scientology is a cult.

who knows.. more interested in the b3 Aspects.. I don't judge and respect other peoples believe system regardless of cult or a group of people getting together. Thanks for the comments.

Fair enough, but please read about "fair game" policy in the Church of Scientology... It is quite repulsive how they treat people who want to leave the cult.

You should know it's the critics of Scientology who openly "fair game" people. Scientology doing this is unproven. In fact they've officially claimed not to. I'm a Scientologist and I've been encouraged to stick to the facts and not even engage in personal attacks at all.

mmm... not convinced as to why should try if not schizophrenic... and not sure if it's responsible to suggest people take it without clear explanation of the benefits - nor sure the suggestion in the context of discussion about schizophrenia and a reputed cult may be the best approach to what you might be going for here...

This article is no way intended to advise you on taking b3.. it merely aims at getting information out to the public. please consult your doctor on b3 and minds only work when they are open life parachutes. I really don't care what people think of scientology.. but if you research their science Hubbard worked hard to get it solid, neg the alien story aspect.

Anybody dealing with bipolar, schizophrenia, or depression should check out Truehope. This Canadian company produced a nutrient that has allowed thousands of people worldwide to ditch their drugs and heal their brains. I understand it even helps with brain injuries. Has all the B vitamins plus much more. The Canadian government tried to get rid of them but psychiatrists around the world asked them not to because it was the only thing that helped some people.

leupotato awesome

I remember reading this as well. Thanks for your willingness to look into this instead of just buying into the hype! I had to overcome this in a sense myself. I always like to honestly look into stuff.