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LSD has been heavily studied. During the late 1940s through the mid 1970s there was extensive research done that resulted in thousands of papers, multiple books, a few international conferences. It was prescribed to over 40,000 patients as a psychiatric treatment. A recent study done in 2014 showed therapeutic benefits in relieving anxiety in those with life threatening illnesses.

tl;dr LSD has scientific use, backed by doctors.


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Read up

Research section on the following page:

Psychiatric Use section of the following page:

Take note that both pages cite their "scientific references"

Tonnes of scientific research was done on LSD...

fill yourself up on it for all i care -- what a fukcer

Why do these facts upset you? You're quite aggressive.

You're probably right about the doctors, regarding LSD, but that doesn't mean that it can't be used effectively to treat various disorders or to help achieve psychological benefits. Perhaps we've just yet to discover them in a lab setting.

I think you meant to say: by, 'morons'

I'm assuming that's your alias.