Detoxworks Introduces Self to Steemit

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

Bon jour Steemit! 

Let me introduce myself and my reason for joining this family.  

I swear, I’m not making any of the following up – although it may sound that way. Those that know me know this is all the 100% truth.  

And a warning – my writings WILL break many of your beliefs and paradigms. I apologize in advance for the pain of your upcoming cognitive dissonance.   

Factoid #1: I care deeply for my patients and mankind and general. Have you noticed how the health of our species is collapsing? Children with cancer. Teens with autoimmune diseases. 40-something with elderly diseases. There is a reason for this. And it is not our genes! How can I help stop this unnecessary suffering?  

Factoid #2: I am a 60 year old licensed primary care physician with 20+ years of alternative medicine experience.   

Factoid #3: Decades ago, at the height of my engineering management career, I got very ill. So ill, with a neurological illness, that I wasn’t given very long to live via the traditional medical community. As I laid on the floor crying my eyes out with this death sentence given to me by multiple doctors, I prayed to God, to the Universe, to Source Energy, to whoever might be listening to my deepest plea. I kept pleading that 30 years old was too young for me to die.  

I beg you. Please help me.  If you help me I will spend the rest of my life helping others in a similar unfixable health condition – I will strive to do one thing: Stop the suffering. That is my deal. That is my promise. I swear on everything in this world I will keep my word.  What happened next?  I passed out.  I awoke later, how many hours later I don’t know, with a voice in my head saying one thing: “You’ve been poisoned.” I was shocked. But it was the only clue to living I had. It was at that point I went to work to figure out what those words meant. Remember, this was pre internet in 1990.  I went to the local library and found no answers. I snuck into a medical school university library – and found the answers I was looking for. The answers were hidden deep in the archives of a medical library. Why didn’t doctors know about this stuff? And so, I jumped into learning about detox in every way possible. In fact, I know so much about detox I HATE THE WORD!! I hate the word ‘detox’ because it is all over the internet and it is so misunderstood.  Long story short, I healed.  I was better than healed. I was robust. What next? Should I go back to my management job? What about my promise to God? How could I help people but still earn a living to put a roof over my head?  That’s when I put on my business hat and asked myself a simple question: Is getting incurably sick a growing market? Is there a niche whereby these incurable people would not get the help they need from their doctor? Of course, yes. People are getting older, not younger. The food and the planet is getting more toxic, not less. The toxins are becoming more concentrated. The maternal stored toxins are being passed on to the children – they are being born more and more toxic.  My forecast in 1990 was simple: People are going to get more toxic, faster, at a deeper level, at a younger age – and it will manifest in diseases that only elderly were being diagnosed with at that time.  Also, in 1990, in my mind I looked ahead 20 to 30 years. What else did I see? Not only did I see a very sick population but I saw doctors finally ‘getting it’ that their drug prescriptions weren’t the cure as they were taught. I saw doctors walking away from their very lucrative, insurance receiving medical practices and taking a course or two in ‘alternative medicine’ and hanging out a shingle.  In other words, while in the beginning I knew I would be one of none physicians like me in my town, in the future, decades down the road, there would be many. At least many claiming to be the same – less 20+ years of clinical alternative experience. Because these doctors were well entrenched in the medical insurance market, I knew they would be serious competition for my clinical services when that time came.  Why?  Because I have never and will never accept insurance. I would accept bitcoin before I would accept insurance! 

Why?  Because insurance only forces a doctor to NOT run the labs nor give the proper care that is needed. Because insurance won’t pay for the tests, the doctor won’t run the tests. To me, this is unacceptable to the patient that is looking for answers. Given the above, I got myself into medical school and earned my license. In school, I kept my ‘head down’ regarding what I knew to be true – that people weren’t walking around with Rx drug deficiencies. I graduated. I was awarded a license. And as my dad said when I called him to tell him “I got my license” his first and only words were “Congrats, you now have a license to kill. Remember that.” I’ll never forget his words because he was right. Fast forward to today. I am sorry to say that my vision nearly 30 decades prior has been 100% true. People are younger and more ill at a more deep level than ever before. Yes, alternative medical books and internet have flooded the market – books that I had in my mind years before they were published. I am glad they were published.  But I spent my time in clinical practice dedicated to learning and learning from my patients. Learning things that were NOT taught in any alternative medicine facility or book anywhere.  Any time I spent writing would take me away from learning. And while teaching and sharing is my second love, learning is my first love. Hence why those ‘books in my head’ never were written. But have since been written and made some very famous NYT bestsellers. I am happy for them as I personally know many of them. After I opened my practice, I continued to fly under the radar as even 20 years ago I was talking about things that people believe today but thought was crazy back then. In over two decades I’ve only run one advertisement. That first and only advertisement was in 1995. It yielded zero patients. Why? How do you explain something so unexplainable in an ad? So I never ran another ad. My practice was simply ‘too different’ to explain. I had business cards and that was it. My business grew.  In 2007 I web mastered my own website. In 2009 I had my first brochure.  Do you understand? I was running a busy practice for over ten years without any ads or brochures and only a business card. How? Simple. Results. Finding the REAL REASON that people are sick. And results need no advertising.  Fast forward to today. 2017. Things are indeed different in my field of work. People are still sick and getting sicker. But as I prophesied in 1990, alternative medicine offices are popping up all over. And yes, they are taking insurance and I still do not take insurance. As I suspected, I witnessed several patients, patients that had been with me for over a decade, leave my care. When they eventually returned a year or so later, I asked why they left in the first place. Were they unhappy with my performance? No. Their reason was simple: Insurance. Ahhhh. Just as I had forecasted. When I asked why they were back, they were equally blunt – because I had knowledge the other physician didn’t have. Very true. You can’t download 20+ years of clinical experience into a weekend or six month course and expect to get the same results. Not bragging. Just stating fact.  But that didn’t matter. Patients left my practice – and then they return later. Sick. Sick with a root cause their alternative doctor couldn’t diagnose – because it is not being taught in seminars to doctors even today.  So, to say I’m cutting edge in my practice is an understatement. Not bragging. Just stating fact. My practice has become a practice where now only the sickest of the sick come. They’ve already tried the traditional doctor without results. They’ve already tried the (very good) alternative doctors without results. And now they sit on my clinic doorstep. Suffering. Looking for answers. Scared. And reminding me of me back in 1990. My heart breaks for them. I could retire.  But I can’t. I can’t retire.  Too many people are seeking answers that only a handful of us have. Not bragging. Stating fact. I know I have answers that other docs don’t have because, remember, I get those patients. Patients from other really excellent alternative doctors. And all I do is two things for these sickest of the sick patients that have gotten no answers anywhere – despite hundreds of thousands of dollars of insurance care. What do I do? 1.  I check the handful of areas that even the best alternative docs aren’t doing. And I add that to the patient’s mix.   2. I remind the patient that they don’t have a turmeric deficiency or ‘whatever herb’ deficiency.   What do I mean by #2 above?    I mean that our alternative health care system is still MEGA SUPER BROKEN. I’m sorry to say but many of these doctors have simply morphed from a clinic that hands out pharmaceutical drugs to suppress symptoms to handing out herbs and natural supplements. Sure, I give out curcumin sometimes to patients. But when I do, I remind them “This is just a Band-Aid. You don’t have a curcumin/turmeric deficiency. My job is to find the root cause of the inflammation.” So you see, our health care system is still really messed up. We still aren’t getting to the root reason of why people are sick – even though many alternative doctors put that on their logo they are only kidding. How is giving a massive fish oil overdose or turmeric getting to the root cause of the patient’s inflammation ailment? It simply isn’t. Bottom line: The traditional western medical centers that provide pharmaceuticals have simply morphed into the exact same thing – except with less toxic pills to give. Yes, the pharmaceutical industry is losing business to the alt medical community. And THAT is the reason they are taking it over – buying up supplement companies left and right. You would be very shocked to know who the real owners are of that health product you buy at the health store. Sure, it still has the same company name, but it is now owned by a drug company and/or Wall Street venture capitalists. With only one goal and it is NOT stopping the suffering. It is maximizing market share and maximizing profit.  Sorry to blow your paradigm of ‘all is sweet, innocent and loving’ in the alternative medical world. Far from it. I know. I live in it. And it disgusts me. For over a decade I’ve worked closely with nutraceutical manufacturers. Until it became clear to me (even before they were sold to the Wall Street venture capitalists) of what I didn’t want to believe. That the nutraceutical manufacturers, many with physician representatives that go from doc office to doc office, are simply into it for the money.  Money. Greed. Yes, it has seriously, very seriously, poisoned the entire alternative medicine business. Let me remind you of something: Doctors need to earn continuing education units each year. Do you know who provides those classes? Answers: Two groups: 1. The pharmaceutical industry and 2. The nutraceutical industry (which many times really is #1).  What do you think they teach? Answer: How to sell their product to the patient. Both of these groups also have ‘representatives’ that go to the doctor’s office to give them free samples and chat and free dinners and trips etc.  In other words, the nutraceutical is flawed with the exact same contagion poison that lives within the pharmaceutical industry. Goal: Selling product. The goal is NOT finding and addressing the real reason the patient is sick. 

Factoid #4:  I am extremely dedicated and passionate about my work. My work is my hobby. I try to learn from every patient. If I can’t figure out why a patient is ill, I don’t tell myself (as so many docs do) that the patient is psycho or lying. In other words, I don’t blame the patient. I blame myself. I tell myself there is something for me to learn – now get to work and figure it out! This has resulted in me discovering and finding several areas of ill health that is not being discussed or taught elsewhere. 

Factoid #5: Because I so badly wanted to help as many people as possible, I put together a 8 hour presentation for doctors. I travelled the USA for 3 years sharing my findings on unaddressed causes of our patient’s ill health. Each class had 50-100 doctors. The doctors reported back that my recommendations were working not just with my patients, but with their patients too. I was asked to continue my seminars. But when I said I wanted to discuss the most important thing causing ill health today to people, I was refused.  Why?  Money. It is always money.  How could the group that was backing my travel/hotel/seminar costs make money? There was no answer. And so those hundreds of doctors (and their patients)  that would benefit from what I have to say will never hear it. Oh, they will hear it and understand it – but in another 10-20 years is my guess. That’s when I knew tiring travel and seminars to doctors wasn’t the answer I needed to ‘stop the suffering’. 

Factoid #6: In 2014 I started noticing more and more of my ‘old school – find the REASON the patient is sick’ doctor friends around the country going bankrupt. They were 1-2 decades older than myself. They had thriving alternative medical practices. They had incredible clinical experience. But they didn’t take insurance. They didn’t partake in any social media. And the next thing they knew, they were bankrupt. They too, like myself, had lost significant clientele to the newbie docs on the block with their fancy advertising and 1-2 years of experience. They went bankrupt because their fixed costs were simply too high. As their patient base evaporated, their fixed costs stayed constant. Hence, the multiple bankruptcies.  

Factoid #7: When one of my best medical friends, 70 years old, robust with many life years ahead and 40 years of alternative clinical practice, told me she was closing her doors due to bankruptcy, my heart broke. My heart broke not so much for her – because I had warned her years earlier to get her fixed costs in alignment with a shrinking clientele due to insurance accepting newbie’s on the block – my heart broke for one simple reason: The loss of all that knowledge. Four decades of clinical knowledge gone overnight. And it wasn’t happening to just her. It was happening to many alternative medicine doctors that were going bankrupt as the result of insurance. Decades of alternative medical experience gone – in just a couple years. A big loss. A big step backwards for every sick patient everywhere. 

Factoid #8: In 2015 I decided it was time I get with the technological age. My competitors were on Twitter and Facebook and all types of other platforms. I joined Facebook. I had no desire to post things that everyone else was posting. I wanted to post the info that would make huge strides in people’s health – and addressed the REAL root cause of the patient’s problem. When I say REAL root cause, I mean just that: The REAL – traced back to the beginning – root cause.  Telling a patient that they have inflammation in the gut or leaky gut (ho hum, sigh) is NOT telling the patient the root cause of their problem! What caused the inflammation and leaky gut in the first place? And then, once you find that, what caused that? On and on until you find the REAL root of the patient’s problem. Everything else is just a Band-Aid – a natural nutraceutical Band-Aid. Even if the doc says the inflammation is the root cause, they are lying. The inflammation is the smoke, not the fire. Damn it! What is the fire? That is harder to find. Within a short period of time my Facebook writings had hundreds and then 10,000 followers. But here’s the problem: I had violated my first law of getting into the medical field: Keeping my head down. My head was no longer down. I was showing the light on the lies that are being sold and backing it up with solid evidence.  That’s when the death threats began.  I stood strong. Then the pictures of my face and slander memes started. And then the visits to my home. My website was attacked. My YouTube videos were attacked. 

Factoid #9: I got myself off Facebook. Off YouTube. Removed my blog. I took down my website. The attacks were not forgiving. I was saying things that powerful people didn’t want said. But I was saying things that were saving my patient’s lives! It didn’t matter. We were back to greed and money. Finally, I had to stop taking new patients unless I thoroughly vetted them from their referral patient. 

Factoid #10: My patients knew what was going on. After all, I had to explain my dead website, Facebook, blog and YouTube channel. So, it wasn’t surprising that I first found out about alternative doctors being murdered via email from one of my patients. It was Dr. Bradstreet. He was the first murdered alternative doctor. This happened within a couple weeks of my own death threats. Imagine my shock. Since then there are well over 60 murdered dead alternative doctors. Don’t believe me? Google it. It isn’t something they are reporting on CNN but it is real. Of course, I called the police about my concerns. They made it very clear that they would step in when harm was actually done – not before. Alternative doctors were being murdered at the rate of 2-3 per week for a while. As it coincided so perfectly with my own threats, can you imagine how I felt? Eventually, I brought up my website. I am taking new patients again – but only well vetted ones.  But I still have a nagging desire to share my wisdom before I pass away. I want to help people find the answers they are looking for – answers they aren’t getting anywhere or if they could get them, the cost is far too high. I’m not worried about bankruptcy per se at this point, but I am very worried about the health and future of our species. I am not exaggerating. About a year ago I was in a room with about 25 fellow physicians. Many of them are NYT bestsellers. If I told you the names you would know exactly who they are. I’ve been a part of this ‘brain trust’ for over a decade. We know each other well. Frustrated over my inability to share the information I have that must be shared (but without being murdered for) I decided I would take the opportunity in front of these people. After all, most were NYT Bestsellers – they could spread the word for me. I stood up and said one thing “Are you willing to admit it?”  Everyone looked at me perplexed. So I repeated myself “Are you willing to admit it?” And then when I knew I had everyone’s undivided attention I completed my sentence “Are you willing to admit that the most state-of-the-art alternative protocols and nutraceuticals are no longer working?” I repeated myself. Silence. And so I completed with “Well I’m willing to admit it – and it is getting worse by the year. And luckily I know how to fix it.” And I sat down. Disappointed in my fellow physicians. How could they not be seeing what I was noticing? That protocols we’ve used for decades were no longer working? During the break I had no less than 5 physicians (one a NYT Bestseller) come up to me and ask me what I was talking about. I asked them bluntly “Are you willing to admit it?” Yes, he was. He said he was experiencing the same failure as I had noticed – and I gone to work years prior to figure out the ‘why’. I proceeded to tell him my findings. His eyes glazed over. I was clearly speaking over his head. I failed in my desire to spread this important information --- information that earned me death threats but at the same time wasn’t worth dying for. 

Factoid #11: 2015-2017 has been an interesting time for me and my patients. But I can’t get it out of my mind that I need to share my experience before I leave this world. But how to do it?  I thought about YouTube. Well, 2017 has taught us how the PTB can and will remove monetization of things they don’t agree with. I thought about writing a book – in fact I’ve written several chapters so far. But my fear is, again, going through what I went through before – or worse --- such as the fate of my alternative medical peers. And today, I found and studied Steemit. Interesting concept. Is this the platform I’ve been searching and praying for?  I don’t know. This post will be the test. I’ll post this and see what happens. If the world wants to know the health protocols I’m using – and patients pay me hundreds of dollars per hour to hear to get well – and other doctors aren’t talking about – I’ll know by the response to this posting. If no response, that’s ok. I’ll keep looking for my platform by which I seek to “stop the suffering’. I wish all who have read this posting many blessings.  May we find our way back to a more safe, healthy and sane world soon…..    

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Welcome to steemit my friend. I feel very in the same wave you are, I actually have a tag about it, it is called #faithinhummanity and it is all about helping others! I started following you!

wow. cool. i will change mine so it is under that tag too thanks

Great! Lets try to make the tag a big deal!

Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you. It will be interesting to see how this works out...

Welcome to Steemit. I, myself, just joined as well. Thank you for your courage and passion to never give up and do right for humanity. I truly appreciate your intro, your continual commitment to provide for true healing for the sick, and bringing to the forefront the urgent need to fix the broken system and practices of western medicine and bring to mainstream effective alternative medicine for real healing for people who have been poisoned by pharmaceuticals, wrong diagnosis, and detrimental treatments. I truly hope that Steemit will be the platform for you to successfully expand your practice and help many patients, and perhaps, pass on your knowledge to future willing and open alternative medical practitioners for the health and good of humanity. Steemit is technically designed to keep all information you provide permanently in the blockchain without the ability of anyone or authority to make, change, or delete, any valuable information. This very fact may be very advantages for you. Thank you for fighting for a solution to the existing nightmare of health care called Western Medicine. I am looking forward to hearing more. Much to your success.