There is, to date, no definitive cause that can be associated with cancer, although multiple studies can show that some habits can cause it: we are talking about abuse in alcohol, smoking, some drugs and medications, overexposure to the sun and radiation, among others.
However, there are also habits that we could consider apparently harmless, but that could also lead to some type of cancer. Here we list them for you to take into account.
Stay seated for a long time. This was yielded by a study conducted by the American Institute for Cancer Research when talking about people who spend a lot of time sitting and the relationship with the increased risk that the organs of the lower abdomen become inflamed and have cancer.
Misuse talc. Those women who use talcum powder in the genital area are more likely to develop ovarian cancer, according to research published in 2010.
Sleeping near or with the mobile phone It can also lead to cancer, mainly in the case of women and specifically with breast cancer. A study of 2000 women revealed this and associated it with melatonin deficiency, sleep cycle disturbances, and vitamin D deficiency.
Sugary drinks and processed foods. In these cases it is associated with excess consumption of sugar, in addition to chemicals and preservatives.